11-year-old boy stabbed to death during football match in Spain: 20-year-old suspect arrested
|Un garçon de 11 ans est mort poignardé ce dimanche 18 août 2024 en plein match de football au sud de Madrid, en Espagne (photo d'illustration). ganusik13 – ENVATO ELEMENTS
An 11-year-old boy was stabbed to death this Sunday, August 18, 2024, during a football match south of Madrid, Spain. A suspect was arrested by the police and admitted his participation in the crime.
Around 10 a.m. on Sunday, August 18, 2024, in Mocejón, near Toledo, south of Madrid, Spain, children were playing football together on the lawn of the Angel Tardio municipal stadium, reports in particular Le Parisien.
Hooded and armed
A hooded man armed with a sharp object then attacks the ;one of them. On the spot, the emergency services could only confirm the death of the child, a little boy aged 11.
Todo un pueblo se encuentra consternado por el asesinato de está mañana.
Desde el CD MOCEJÓN mostramos nuestro más sentido pésame a familiares, amigos y vecinos de Mateo jugador de nuestras Escuelas Deportivas.
Descanse en paz. pic.twitter.com/lLTamkGbEo
— C.D. Mocejón (@CD_Mocejon) August 18, 2024
Arrested by the police
The judicial police unit and the information group of the Toledo command were searching for the perpetrator of the attack.
Spanish police have announced that they have arrested a 20-year-old man suspected of having killed the little boy by stabbing him, reports El Pais, taken up by BFM.
In the same city
This man was in the same city where the crime was committed. In his statement to the police, he admitted his participation in the events, according to the Spanish daily. The murder weapon has not yet been found.
The town hall of the municipality of Mocejón, where the boy was killed, has declared three days of official mourning.