150 years of the d’Alzon Institute in Nîmes: towards a beatification of Emmanuel d’Alzon ?

150 years of the d’Alzon Institute in Nîmes: towards a beatification of Emmanuel d’Alzon ?

Des centaines d'anciens élèves ont fait le déplacement vendredi soir. D.R.

150 years of the d’Alzon Institute in Nîmes: towards a beatification of Emmanuel d’Alzon ?

Speeches, concerts and entertainment punctuated this reunion evening. Midi Libre – E. Be

150 years of the d’Alzon Institute in Nîmes: towards a beatification of Emmanuel d’Alzon ?

The party extended beyond the doors of the Institute, rue Fresque. D.R.

The alumni bodega evening on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Alzon institute brought together hundreds of people this Friday, April 26 at the establishment on rue Sainte -Perpetuated in Nîmes.

They became police commissioners, teachers, researchers or even journalists but had one thing in common on this Friday evening: returning to the scene of their deeds (or misdeeds ?).

In the courtyard of the Alzon institute, hundreds of alumni have reconnected with the days of study, coming across faces once upon a time at the bend of an alley familiar. At the time of the speeches, Yan Lachaud, director of the place, supported the values ​​perpetuated: "Yes, the world has changed but our will, it’ is to remain faithful to the principle of welcoming everyone as it was 150 years ago. To allow all these young people to live together."

Platform and request for beatification

The opportunity, in front of the assembled audience, to present the new platform intended to connect old and new alumni to support their entry into society and the world of work. But also to announce that a letter, which has since collected more than 700 signatures, would be delivered this Saturday, April 27 at noon to Bishop Brouwet in order to request the beatification of ;Emmanuel d’Alzon.

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