2024 legislative elections in Lozère: candidate Sophie Pantel wants to bring together the left “on what we have in common”

2024 legislative elections in Lozère: candidate Sophie Pantel wants to bring together the left “on what we have in common”

Serge Gayssot et Sophie Pantel, le duo lozérien qui porte le programme du Nouveau Front populaire. MIDI LIBRE – STEPHANIE BOULOIR

President of the Department, Sophie Pantel, various left, is invested by the New Popular Front, with the communist Serge Gayssot as substitute.

Sophie Pantel organized a press conference this Tuesday, June 18, to present her candidacy for the legislative elections. Accompanied by her deputy, the communist Serge Gayssot, she first recalled her political positioning. If it is invested by the New Popular Front, it describes itself as "various left, republican, carrying the motto liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism. I stand on socialist values ​​and I will sit on these values ​​[…] I am one of the few who have never betrayed their values."

Concerning the union of the left, Sophie Pantel is delighted that the parties have managed "to come together on what we has in common to block the National Rally". This program includes measures for the first fifteen days, "measures to break with Macron, to defend purchasing power, for the repeal of the pension reform", then measures for the first hundred days, "bifurcation measures& quot;, then it will be "substantial work". Measures which will be financed, she promises: "The left is always accused of management incompetence. But it is serious work that is being carried out."

Who heads the Department?

Sophie Pantel being president of the Lozère departmental council, she will cede the presidency if she is elected deputy, but will remain departmental councilor. She affirms that the elected representatives of the majority group intend to elect Jean-Louis Brun, departmental councilor of the canton of Langogne, as president, "in stability and continuity ".

You will first have to get elected, and the campaign will be short. Sophie Pantel and Serge Gayssot will organize public meetings next week in the five main towns of Lozère, and will meet Lozère residents in the markets and other events organized in the area.

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