3,500-Year-Old Vase Broken in Museum: 4-Year-Old Boy Wanted to See What Was Inside
|Le vase cassé dans le musée. Capture Facebook Hecht Museum
Lors d’une visite, un enfant âgé de 4 ans fait tomber un vase vieux de 3 500 ans dans un musée en Israël. La pièce qui était présentée au public datait de l’âge de bronze.
Thousands of years shattered. A few days ago in the Hecht Museum in Haifa, a coastal city in northern Israel, a 4-year-old child broke a vase dating from the Bronze Age. These are centuries and centuries that have been broken, notes the BBC.
3,500 years of history broken
This old pot, dating from 2,200 and 1,500 BC, was broken while a child was visiting this Israeli museum. The boy was “curious about what was inside” and “tugged the pot lightly", the boy's father said.
Note that the vase on display had no protection. The museum justified itself by explaining that for some works it brought a certain charm.
The museum did not ;rsquo;is however not used to this kind of problem and had to make a decision. "There are cases where exhibits are intentionally damaged, and such cases are handled with great severity, including involving the police. In this case, however, that was not the case. “The jar was accidentally damaged by a young child visiting the museum, and the response will be adapted,” said Lihi Laszlo, who works at the museum.
The family was invited back but for a guided tour this time. Fortunately, the jar should be repaired and should return to its place in the museum soon. The boy's father has all also say sorry because the broken object will never be the same again.