Anger of farmers: for Gardois Patrick Viala, “it's unfortunate that it takes crises for us to say that food is sacred”

Anger of farmers: for Gardois Patrick Viala, "it's unfortunate that it takes crises for us to say that food is sacred"

Vigneron et céréalier, Patrick Viala sera présent au prochain Salon, entre optimisme et réalisme. Midi Libre – MARILYN PALERI

President of the Bienvenue à le ferme network and producer of wine and cereals in Saint-Nazaire-des-Gardies (Gard), Patrick Viala returns to agricultural issues on the eve of the opening of the Salon de l' agriculture in Paris.

Why is it important for Gard to be represented at the Agricultural Show ?

The Salon, everyone wants to be there. There are very few people who boycott it. Even politically, there is consensus. We can thank the Department for offering us the opportunity to participate. 

What do you expect from this meeting ?

Nothing new. But we are going to conquer the general public! The Salon is an opportunity to defend the singularity and diversity of the Gard landscapes. We have made a 2024 casting of farmers which brings both young people and more experienced people. Women and men who represent all territories, from the chestnut of the Cévennes to the bull of the Camargue. Even in terms of wines, we arrive with sixteen references, trying to be as exhaustive as possible given the great variety that we have in the department. During the Gard day, next Wednesday, we will present the latest, the Bullicieuses. For the visitor to the Salon, the idea is to show them around the Gard without even get a train ticket. 

How do you make the difference in the middle of a very rich Occitanie region from an agricultural point of view ?

(Smile) Believe me, our presence is… remarkable and noticed! 

This show opens against the backdrop of an agricultural crisis. What do you think of the government measures ?

The crisis was deep in Gard and still is. Mainly because of income and poor sales of wine linked to overproduction. Today, emergency measures are being announced. We will have to see what falls into the hands of the farmers… But the uprooting of the vines becomes inevitable.

You produce 100% organic. a sector that is also suffering.

We have to be realistic: there is currently too much organic in an inflationary period. Clearly not everyone can buy organic. And we are once again facing illegal competition with products from other European countries which have an organic label without having the same constraints as us. In 2022, they bought me 370 € per ton of organic soft wheat. For the 2023 financial year, I am paid 180 &euro/T. Ultimately, I lose money producing. Do I have to be a peasant with the duty to feed in order to continue sowing! 

You are president of the Bienvenue à la ferme network and president of the Mas des agricole SAS, which brings together 3,000 local producers. Are short circuits a solution to these crises ?

It's unfortunate that it takes crises for us to take care of food, for us to realize that it's ;is sacred. people have become accustomed to going to buy food, finding it in abundance, without asking any questions. 30 years ago with the Bienvenue à la ferme network, we were considered outsiders. However, teaching, explaining our products, is very logical. Last year, there were 55 farmer installations in Gard. More than half of them were on the short circuit model. These young people were interested not only in how they produced, but also in how they would market. This is essential.

These young people are also the next generation. And in the face of all the agricultural constraints, it's hard to say that you have a dream job ?

We face both an economic crisis and a climate crisis. There is of course the lack of water which is a real problem. But also, now, the long periods of drought followed by heatwaves. With climate hazard insurance that no longer protects us. More than 40% of our troops are over 55 years old today. Transmission is a real problem… Today, the question that everyone is asking themselves, is how can we feed the planet without destroying everything ? Being a farmer today is very complicated. Even if we remain optimistic, we must have a lot of heart to continue.

Gard highlighted at the Salon de l'Agriculture

Stand The Gard Departmental Council will be present at the International Agricultural Show (SIA) 2024, at the exhibition center of the Porte de Versailles, from Saturday February 24 to Sunday March 3, with an 80 m2 stand, dressed in the emblematic colors of Gard, located within the Occitanie space, in hall 7.1, an extension of “ l’univers des Régions de France”, aisle F, stand n°85. Entitled “Le Gard, alongside its farmers”, in partnership with the “Welcome to the farm” and apprentices from rural family houses, will ensure the promotion of the excellence of products from the Gard region, notably by promoting the Le Gard, Militant du Goût label.
The Farmers Eleven farms of farmers and wine growers will be present on the stand to interact with visitors: Ludivine and Thibauld Verlaguet, winegrowers in Saint-Gilles; Marie and Jean-Elie Agnel, bull breeders, in Cailar; Adrien Jourdan, snail breeder, in Clarensac; Céline Monteils, winegrower of the cooperative cellar Les vignerons de Saint-Jean-de-Serres; Caroline Barcelo, farmer, Baron des Cévennes pig breeder, in Quissac; Aurélie Bouet, independent winemaker in Vic-le-Fesq; Solenn and Nicolas Villaret, producers of organic chestnuts and sweet onions, in Les Plantiers; Rémy Dupret, independent winemaker, in Vauvert; Pascal and Mathieu Duplan, lamb and beef breeders in Les Plans (Alès); Claude Chardonnaud, independent winemaker, producer of cartagena in Savignargues; Guislaine and Bernard Soufflet, independent winegrowers, in Saint-André-d’Olérargues.

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