A new escape game at the Beaucaire fortress, the tourist season launched in Terre d’Argence

A new escape game at the Beaucaire fortress, the tourist season launched in Terre d’Argence

Christophe Hagopian est le nouveau directeur de l’Office de tourisme de Beaucaire Terre d’Argence. Midi Libre – E. L.

The Beaucaire Terre d’Argence tourist office presented its new season full of proposals.

"We have our feet in the Camargue, our heads in the Costière and we are surrounded by water." Juan Martinez, mayor of Bellegarde and president of the Community of Communes Beaucaire terre d’Argence chaired "the’after-work" of the intercommunal tourist office organized at the Didelot-Langlade manade in its commune.

For the chosen one, the Terres d’Argence already have a head start in "slow tourism" with the almost 45 kilometers of cycle paths nearing completion, and quite a few existing offers, but not necessarily connected to each other. "We need to wrap up all the world, arborists, wine growers, accommodation providers to make us better known, to outside tourists but also to people from the region.


A stone's throw from the meadows where 300 Camargue bulls and cows graze, as the mistral rose, Benjamin and Daniel Didelot's reception room was filled with tourism stakeholders from this small territory. Small, because it is made up of only five municipalities (1), but not without major assets.

"We need to restructure the offer, we need collaborative projects, visibility"assures Christophe Hagopian, director of the tourist office who took over from Valérie Parayre. A new boss who has no attendance figures has presented but ensures the support of 102 partners, including five new ones.

"The Confluence of the South"

At the time of presenting a season, quite comparable in its richness to that of last year, the Office nevertheless unveiled its new graphic charter, with a star made of leaves as its logo of olive trees and its slogan "The confluence of the South".

Too bad for the collaborative, Beaucaire city center of the community of municipalities, held its press conference on the same day at the same time to present its Estivales. It's probably difficult to "swaddle" everyone at once.

(1) Beaucaire, Bellegarde, Vallabrègues, Jonquières-Saint-Vincent and Fourques.

Mistral and the Drac, a new escape game

Raimond and the quest for the grail, has counted until today 7 000 players, a nice success hence a new escape game at the Fortress of Beaucaire with Mistral and the legend of the Dragon, to discover from on June 8. The quality promise should be kept. Still at the Beaucaire fortress, another novelty, but still conditional, the holding of two markets, on July 16 and August 13.

New nature outings are offered this summer with ornithological walks in the vineyard, or at the water's edge to observe and listen to the birds.< /p>

Always spectacular, the panorama aperitifs are back. A glass of wine and local specialties to enjoy at sunset, either at the Beaucaire fortress or at the Saint-Roman abbey. As for the Camargue race, immersions in the world of the herdsmen are also offered, as well as the Camargue race explained by a guide within the arenas itself is an experience not to be missed.

More on terredargencetourisme.com

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