The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Alejandro Talavante and Daniel Luque opened the big door to Lunel. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Lea Vicens inherited a bad lot and her efforts were not enough to obtain a trophy. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Lea Vicens inherited a bad lot and her efforts were not enough to obtain a trophy. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Sébastien Castella lost the second ear of his first bull with the sword. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Sébastien Castella lost the second ear of his first toro with the sword. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Alejandro Talavante a triomphé avec sa pureté et ses inspirations uniques. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Alejandro Talavante triumphed with his purity and unique inspirations. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Daniel Luque cut off three ears and offered a bullfighting lesson. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

The inspirations of Talavante and the mastery of Luque illuminate the sky of Lunel

Daniel Luque a coupé trois oreilles et offert une leçon de tauromachie. Midi Libre – Antoine Guin

the essential For the first "no hay billete" from the history of the arenas of Arles for Spanish bullfighting, Luque and Talavante opened the big door with three ears each. Less fortunate at the Sorto, Lea Vicens had no opportunity for success and Sébastien Castella obtained a trophy.

An arena is being reborn in Hérault as the poster concocted by Hadrien Poujol with three toreo figures on foot and one on horseback gathered all the votes with 4,000 spectators present in the stands and a "no hay billetes" posted two days before the bullfight. Lunel benefits from a modern and magnificent setting and its structure represents an ideal gauge for organizing bullfights and developing reception with partners because superb boxes are arranged in the callejon. The success of this bullfight 2 024 represents a real invitation to develop Spanish bullfighting on a Feria with several cartels in a plaza more accustomed to Camargue racing.

Unlucky Lea Vicens

On an artistic level, this bullfight was also a great success with a great toro from Victoriano del Rio and several other interesting examples and Alejandro Talavante and Daniel Luque illuminated the race with their talent and their inspirations.

It is a pity that the two French bullfighters did not have the opportunity to give an additional dimension to the success of this bullfight. Indeed, Lea Vicens touched two bulls that were completely stopped and stuck to the boards from the beginning of her faenas and her two Gallon bulls did not allow her to shine on horseback. The Nîmes bullfighter spared no effort to enter compromised terrain, constantly provoked her opponents to invent a faena and effectively ended the debates. But it is impossible to obtain trophies with such adversity.

Sébastien Castella had the opportunity to open the big door by performing a first soft and slow faena on both banks in front of a Victoriano del Rio that was noble but weak and preserved on horseback. A failure with the sword caused him to lose a second ear and the Biterrois is going through a difficult time with the steels which seemed to annoy him at times. Castella once again produced a very clean and gentle faena against his second opponent but his lack of transmission did not allow him to increase the intensity during the faena and really connect with the audience. An effective sword was not enough to obtain a second ear synonymous with a great door.

The purity and inspirations of Talavante

For several months, Alejandro Talavante has rediscovered the full dimension of his repertoire with purity and relaxation in his sequences spiced with his personal inspirations. With his ingredients, he got a first ear of his first toro de Cortes before lighting up the arenas against his excellent second toro de Victoriano del Rio, awarded a posthumous vuelta. Spectacular on the cape with a salute by faroles and a superb quite, he ignited the arenas during the faena with natural and derechazos drawn in slow motion with total relaxation. All mixed with tasteful kneeling sequences that finally convinced the conclave.

Note the seriousness of the presidency which refused a strong petition for indulto du toro for an insufficient tercio of spades but other arenas would certainly have granted it. The seven ears distributed did not suffer from any dispute and it is always positive not to give in to the excess of rewards which serves no one.

The watchmaking precision of Daniel Luque

Daniel Luque justified during his two fights his status as number one in season 2 023 and leader in France in recent seasons. His two adversaries had obvious qualities of nobility but they were not without faults. Lack of strength his first and mansedumbre his second who regularly looked at the boards to escape the fight. Excellent on the cape against his two bulls, the bullfighter from Gerena offered a lesson in technique to quickly erase the shortcomings of the bulls to bring out all their qualities. His muleta has the precision of a Swiss watchmaker and he has splashed the arenas with his talent and his current fullness. As always, he was extremely efficient and his three legitimate ears perfectly attest to his performance in Lunel.

The bullfight file

Arènes de Lunel.

"No hay billetes".

Two Gallon Toros à horse, five from Victoriano del Rio and one from Cortes (3rd).

Vuelta au 7e toro de Victoriano del Rio.

Lea Vicens : hello and hello.

Sébastien Castella : ear and silence after advice.

Alejandro Talavante: ear and two ears.

Daniel Luque : two ears and one ear after his opinion.

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