Rinôçérôse in 3D: inspired by the video game, the latest clip from the Montpellier group produced by local students

Rinôçérôse in 3D: inspired by the video game, the latest clip from the Montpellier group produced by local students

The images of “Awake”, the new single by the electro-rock duo, were created using video game techniques by a team of students from the Objectif 3D school.

“Why not a Rinôçérôse video game ?” The joke invites itself to the table. Around her, the people involved in the video clip of “Awake", the latest song by the Montpellier group. On one side, Jules Bayonne and Vanessa Hueber, students at the Objectif 3D digital arts school in Montferrier-sur-Lez, and Anthony Krol, their main supervisor in the project. On the other, Patrice “Patou” Carrié, the duo's bassist.

Although they joke about the idea of ​​playing in it, it is not far from reality. The visuals for the single, released on June 28, were designed and developed using the Unreal Engine video game engine.

“It was a challenge”

Originally a final-year project, the students' potential game changed its future when Patrice, visiting the school three months ago, came across it. And decided to make a video clip about it. "We had to fill our work days", Vanessa assures. "It was a challenge", adds Jules. Fortunately for them and Angy Loumagne, the other member of the team, they started from a knowledge base that allowed them to save time.

With Deadline in mind, they transformed the sets and then created the avatars "using video game techniques that can be reused", Vanessa indicates. And at faster rendering times than in other fields. "In cinema, we wouldn't have done it in time."

Satisfied with the result, Patrice congratulates the young people: "it was very professional and fluid. People who are starting out have a different energy.” For Anthony, who claims the educational side of the project, “the fact that they are in the first year of the bachelor makes their work even more deserving”.

A video full of references

"We immersed ourselves in their music." Jules explains that'"it was very important to show the state of mind of the song" in the cyberpunk aesthetic of the video. "We put a lot of emphasis on the sets, but also on the behavior of the characters", sometimes by putting sensors on the two musicians to record their movements.

The’3D’universe traces the band's journey through posters, guitars, skateboards, record stores and concert halls. "Starting from scratch allowed us to create a city that corresponded to the band, with lots of references", says Vanessa. "A Rinôçérosienne town", specifies Patrice.

Rinôçérôse in 3D: inspired by the video game, the latest clip from the Montpellier group produced by local students

Now available in audio and images, "Awake" is the first look at &ldquo ;Psychôanalysis”, seventh album by the duo formed by Patrice Carrié and Jean-Philippe Freu, to be released on October 11.

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