The landscapes of the Béziers hinterland by small paths… on an electric motorbike

The landscapes of the Béziers hinterland by small paths... on an electric motorbike

The route, between small roads and dirt tracks, allows you to feel the sensations of a classic motorcycle, without any noise and with reduced pollution. Midi Libre – Théo Laroche

The company Electric Rando Moto offers electric motorcycle rides from Capestang. Between vineyards, small dirt tracks and remarkable viewpoints, the activity immerses you in the landscapes of the Béziers hinterland with sensations, all almost without a sound.

"It feels like a real motorcycle, but without the noise“, says Camille Charlier on her electric motorbike as a first impression. This 20-year-old Belgian sets off for a one-and-a-half-hour ride in the pampas of the Béziers hinterland, accompanied by her father and sister.

The route navigates between small dirt roads on the crests of hills, the edge of vineyards, and passes remarkable viewpoints, chosen by Sylvain Artero. He is the one who organizes these outings, which the Charlier family, living in Quarante, discovered when they saw his van pass by, bearing the name of his company, Electric Rando Moto.

For the ride, Sylvain will also be the guide, as a good connoisseur of the surroundings of Capestang, where he is based. This off-road motorcycle enthusiast did not hesitate when the electric range arrived on the market. “The idea had been running through my head for a long time. I thought it would be popular, and it is. It's in the air, motorcycles don't pollute at all and don't make any noise, “he emphasizes.

"I didn't expect that"

Before leaving, a short briefing is required. Nothing too complicated. Safety instructions, registration on a sheet of the license number (you must have a B, A1 or AM license), and presentation of the electric two-wheeler. The latter looks like a motocross bike, smaller and lighter. A turn of the key, the stand raised and the machine is operational.

The souvenir photo of the small group taken, the motorcycles leave in a line. They do not have gears but two modes, eco or sport, the latter releasing the power of the engine with more lively accelerations. Carl, Camille and Margaux Charlier start with eco mode. After an initial break to admire the landscape from the top of a hill, between a large fig tree and a vineyard, Carl switches to sport mode, he who is not a biker.

That is the interest of these machines, which are easy to handle. “Many people who come for the rides are already experienced and they want to fight it out. But today, we are on a more leisurely route. Motorcycles are accessible to everyone as long as you have a license, even if you are a beginner,” explains Sylvain Artero. A godsend for Margaux, 18, who has therefore obtained the sesame this year. “It's cool because we don't just do dirt roads, there's also road, she says. And then you don't feel the bumps and it doesn't hurt your wrists."

"It's a way to discover the landscape differently"

During the forty-kilometer ride, the motorcycles will not have exceeded the 60 km/h. They can go up to 70 km/h. "I'm surprised, I didn't expect that. I didn't think electric motorcycles could have these technical performances. On a thermal motorcycle, you feel the power, the sound of the exhaust pipe, it makes the adrenaline rise. Here it's quieter, but we still have the sensations", reacts Carl.

Without any noise, the bike swallows up the climbs and goes everywhere. It feels like a mountain bike, without the effort. On bends, the machine is very easy to handle – it only weighs about fifty kilos.

The ride is enhanced by a stop at the oppidum of Ensérune, which offers a breathtaking view of the dried-up pond of Montady, a curiosity in itself. The heat is stifling, we get back on the motorcycles, on which the air makes the ride bearable. "It's a way to discover the landscape differently", rejoices Camille. She who regularly rides thermal motorcycles is not disappointed by the expedition.

After the ride, Sylvain invites the small group to have a drink in his house. A refreshing break during which we talk about the region, thinking back to the ride. “We'll be back”, Carl assures, convinced. Camille also appreciated the ease of use. “It's nicer than the road bike”, she concludes.

Electric motorcycle ride with Electric Rando Moto. Outings from 55 euros. Information: or on 06 73 75 67 94. Electric Rando Moto, 15 avenue de la Gare, Capestang

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