The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

Les chevaux et les taureaux sont des emblèmes de la Camargue. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

L’Hérault est une véritable terre de traditions camarguaises. Gardians, taureaux, chevaux et arlésiennes sont, entre autres, les véritables porteurs de ces traditions qu’on retrouve un peu partout lors de différents événements.

Les fêtes votives

Votive festivals take place from spring to autumn. Originally, this celebration was organised by the village to pay tribute to its patron saint. Traditions being the very principle of these festivals, the process is always the same. In the morning, the inhabitants go to the fields where the bulls are sorted with the herdsmen, then brought to the village. Then, the bulls surrounded by horses wander through the streets, this is the start of the abrivado. Camargue races are also organised in the village arenas. In the evening, the bulls are brought back from the village to their field, this is the bandido, which ends the day.

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

L&abrivado, the release of the bulls. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

The manades 

Manades are horse and/or bull farms, where the animal is venerated and respected. The work of a manadier therefore consists of raising these animals, which live all year round in freedom in meadows. The aim of this breeding is also to produce a good «product&raquo of the herd, which can be distinguished during Camargue bullfights or bullfighting festivals, for example. In the manades, the ferrades (the shoeing of young bulls with the manade brand) or the sorting of bulls also take place.
Some manades welcome the public in small groups for a day to introduce them to the world of bullfighting and the Camargue.

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

The bulls in the herd. Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

The Camargue race commented on 

The commented race in Camargue is the fact that a specialist in the Camargue bullfight accompanies the race with comments and explanations to help the spectator understand. The commentator provides details on the specific language elements of bullfighting. The commented race is particularly useful for spectators who are not familiar with all the particularities of the Camargue bullfight. The commentator describes on the one hand the actions in progress, but on the other hand the characteristics and history of the raseteurs and the bulls. The commented race is the oralization of a Camargue tradition that is perpetuated.

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

The bull in the arena during a Camargue race. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Les Arlésiennes 

Dressed in traditional costumes, the Arlésiennes wear a white lace headdress and a satin or silk dress, often decorated with floral patterns. They are present at many events such as votive festivals or bullfighting festivals. During bullfighting events, they are accompanied by guardians on horseback. Much appreciated by spectators, their presence brings an unrivaled touch of authenticity, which highlights the deep roots of Camargue culture. Originally from the city of Arles, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, the Arlésiennes have been exported over time to the Hérault to become a strong symbol of the identity of the Hérault Camargue.

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

The Arlésiennes in the arenas. Midi Libre – Midi Libre

The bullfighting clubs 

A bullfighting club is an association dedicated to the celebration of traditions and activities linked to all of bullfighting. From March to October, bullfighting clubs devote themselves to promoting local culture, through the organization of events such as the Camargue race, the Abrivado and the Bandido. Each of these events attracts many followers and strengthens community ties in the Camargue.
Organized like sports associations, bullfighting clubs compete in competitions that last all summer such as the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Bullfighting Trophy. Apart from the celebration of bullfighting, bullfighting clubs organize numerous events in and outside the arenas and are real social actors in the Camargue territories. For example, they are at the heart of the organization of numerous summer festivals which punctuate the summer and thus contribute to perpetuating Camargue traditions.

The Camargue: 5 traditions to understand the Camargue world

Bullfighting clubs organize various activities linked to Camargue traditions. Midi Free – JEAN PIERRE

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