Football: three clubs from the Thau basin and a fine blow at the start of Regional 3

Football: three clubs from the Thau basin and a fine blow at the start of Regional 3

Trois coachs et des objectifs variés, mais toujours ambitieux, pour Frontignan, Balaruc et Mèze. MIDI LIBRE – E.R.

Balaruc, Frontignan et Mèze se présentent sur la ligne de départ avec ambition.

The most recent championship, the Regional 3, sandwiched between the district elite and the former Regional Honor Division, offers players both the opportunity to travel in the region and to toughen up the youngest, in anticipation of then progressing higher.

For the 2024-2025 season, group B will concern the Thau basin. If SC Sète left it for the level above, there will still be three clubs lining up on the starting line. The difficult season of the Mézois forced the staff to significantly reshuffle the squad. Éric Miramond does not want to relive the ordeal of the last season. Saved in extremis, his team needed a renewal and, above all, more experience.

A smart recruitment for the Mèze SFC

Recruitment is not lacking in experience. With reliable players like Rastoll, Boggione and Foriel, the returns of Grynberg, Bensaada or Gimenez and youngsters like Mathieu Bouissou, Lenny Bondon or Bourret, Mèze SFC seems better equipped to tackle the new season. The Mèze coach, like his counterparts, is calm: « The group is homogeneous, we should have a good championship. Our group will progress, we will have to quickly gain confidence”.

Stability and reinforcements for Stade Balarucois

On the Balaruc side, we have focused on stability and a targeted reinforcement of the senior squad. It must be said that the “Green and Black” didn't miss much, in the flagship team as in the reserve team.

Jules and Malcolm Michelot, Hugo Goudard, Audric Girondin, Dylan Galindo, Ryan Bouallaga and Zahir Qarmoud have joined Mathieu Munoz's team. For the latter, the championship is open but it will be necessary to be wary of the three reserves (Fabrègues, Argelès and Asfac), the ambitious promoted teams, Jacou and Puissalicon, and the neighboring Mézois who recruited « malin ».

L’Asfac II wants to play its role as a reserve

In Frontignan, Florent Pascal's message is the same and logical for a Regional 1 reserve. «  The objective remains to maintain with young people from the club and recruits, it is the club's policy that prevails. The group seems homogeneous to me, a bit like last season which was a success for us. The goal is to feed our flagship team and ensure maintenance”.

Clearly, Mèze and Balaruc have a good shot to play.

Composition of group B of R3:
Stade Balarucois, Asfac II, Mèze SFC, Albères-Argelès II, Sud Hérault, AS Fabrègues, FC Corbières, Mauguio-Carnon, SO Millau, ES Pérols, Puissalicon-Magalas, S. Perpignan Nord. I subscribe to read the rest

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