At the Jean-Mermoz vocational high school in Béziers, we are expecting “a great start to the school year”

At the Jean-Mermoz vocational high school in Béziers, we are expecting "a great start to the school year"

Karounna Souvannavong (au centre) est le nouveau proviseur du lycée Jean-Mermoz. Midi Libre – Rodrigue Delpas

Despite the change of headmaster during the summer, the management teams are calm, the start of the school year is already scheduled.

At the Jean-Mermoz vocational high school in Béziers, there was a change during the summer. Karounna Souvannavong replaced Anne Auclair at the head of the establishment. And the new principal is already looking forward to getting started: “I feel like it's going to be a great start to the school year, the preparation went wellI'm naturally optimistic, I've had very good feedback from the teams in place, that gives me confidence."

High school students divided into poles

On the other hand, no changes in terms of numbers, the number of high school students expected is fairly consistent with last year. "We will have nearly 700 students this year, from CAP to BTS, in initial training and apprenticeship, explains the new principal. That's about the same as last year, we're on a form of consistency. High school students are divided into several poles: production, nautical, automotive and carpentry. We also have a tertiary pole with customer relations professions with reception, commerce and sales options. This allows for a great diversity of professions."

Although Jean-Mermoz is a high school, it also welcomes middle school students. “We also have third-year students,”60~/em> adds Karounna Souvannavong. These are students who have not yet fully defined their post-Brevet projects, but who have a sensitivity to short or medium-length courses. As they say, they want to do manual work.”

Fairly stable teams

And, apart from the arrival of a new principal, the teams have also focused on stability. “The management team is complete, I am delighted to join it, smiles the head of the establishment. No one has moved, only I am arriving. The teaching team is also fairly stable, all the positions are filled. I would also like to thank the rectorate for its work. We have a teacher who comes from Nîmes, because the nautical sector is present in very few establishments."

The new head of the establishment, who has just arrived, wants to bring continuity. "In terms of projects, we have efforts to continue on the results, he explains. I know that we have had very good results, particularly on the BTS, it is a constant work by all the teaching teams and the staff of the high school. We are also aligned with the 2024-2027 academic project. Here are the main axes: student success, sharing the values ​​of the Republic, developing partnerships and equality between girls and boys."

An international opening

Apart from the academic part, a lot of work is done from a cultural point of view. It is mainly related to the arts and History. An international opening is also made possible thanks to the Erasmus program and partnerships with many countries.

The high school also relies on two other axes. "We have a FabLab that allows the creation of objects, continues Karounna Souvannavong. This therefore facilitates a circuit that goes from production to sales and promotion. We also have a sports section that performs at the academic and even national level."

A new principal

Karounna Souvannavong has been working in national education for over 20 years: “It was here, in Béziers, that I started as a teacher in 2001. I even studied at the Jean-Moulin high school. I worked in Normandy, Picardy, and even on Reunion Island. I am arriving at Lyc&eacutee Jean-Mermoz with great pleasure, I am very happy to take on this position. I have held several management positions in middle schools, notably at Quarante, where I had been for five years. I undertook a period of overlapping at the end of last year to prepare for this new school year with my predecessor, whom I thank. I will run the establishment with firmness and kindness."

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