Several new features for the start of the school year at the Jean-Jaurès school complex

Several new features for the start of the school year at the Jean-Jaurès school complex

Thierry Farrout, proviseur de la cité scolaire Jean-Jaurès. Marylin Beaufour

"Notre lycée est le seul du département à proposer le Bachibac, double baccalauréat français-espagnol, de la seconde à la terminale", explique le proviseur Thierry Farrout.

“Among the new features of this new school year, the opening of a sixth-grade bilingual German, rejoices Thierry Farrout, headmaster of the Jean-Jaurès school complex, with seven students already registered and the sixth and fifth-grade groups in French and mathematics. Another new feature: the last phase of the work was completed this summer with the installation of the last elevator to the boarding school, essential for students with disabilities.

All staff, including teachers, have been appointed for the start of the school year (this is not the case for all establishments) with the arrival of a new assistant principal, Aurélie Noyer. The principal notes a stability in the level of teachers in Saint-Affricain.

As for the numbers, there are 860 students attending the high school and middle school (27-30 students on average per class), from sixth grade to BTS (higher technician certificate) for one hundred teachers, twenty-four agents and ten people in the administrative services.

Thierry Farrout adds: “Our high school is the only one in the department to offer the Bachibac, a double French-Spanish baccalaureate, from second to final year. It allows students to study in Spain, for example to become a physiotherapist”. A plus for this establishment.

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