After the nomination of Michel Barnier, the forces of the New Popular Front rise up “against this denial of democracy” in Béziers

After the nomination of Michel Barnier, the forces of the New Popular Front rise up "against this denial of democracy" in Béziers

Les forces de gauche, sans le Parti socialiste, appellent à la mobilisation et à l'action face à la nomination de Michel Barnier. Diane Petitmangin

A rally was organized this Saturday, September 7, in front of the Béziers sub-prefecture by the left-wing forces of the New Popular Front, but without the Socialist Party. They denounce the contempt “in the face of the verdict of the ballot boxes” and promise to take action.

Words of anger. The various speakers of the New Popular Front (without the Socialist Party), who called for a rally this Saturday, September 7, in front of the Béziers sub-prefecture, have continued to castigate the attitude of Emmanuel Macron, this “monarch president” and to denounce “this contempt for democracy and the vote of the electors” faced with the verdict of the ballot boxes during the last legislative elections.

For Jean-Marc Biau, of the Communist Party, it is clear that by appointing Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, “Emmanuel Macron and the right are choosing to continue to serve the interests of finance, with the help of the National Rally". Stating that “the French want change […], we will continue the fight for social and fiscal justice with all the forces of the coalition", he considered that “the time has come for action and unity".

“Arrogance and climate inaction”

Magali Crozier (La France insoumise) also believes that we must “put an end to the policies of the various governments that have succeeded one another since 2017“, noting that Michel Barnier, a member of LR “who won 5.4% in the last legislative elections, is therefore responsible for forming a government with the National Rally”. Recalling that LFI had launched a procedure to impeach the President, she called for "the establishment of a VIth Republic Republic".

Julien Baillon (Jeunes insoumis), denouncing "the arrogance and climate inaction" of the presidential camp, was outraged: "He governs for the CAC 40 and for those who never have to choose between heating and feeding themselves”. Virginie, from the NPA, deplored that “the RN is now the arbiter of a government from a party that won the fewest votes in the elections. Macron is holding the country hostage. Maybe it's up to us to hold it hostage”. Thierry Antoine, for Les Écologistes, wants “to obtain respect for voting and democracy" and called for a broad mobilization.

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