At the Crater of Alès, when the text of “Phèdre!” is followed by the point of admiration
|Le comédien Romain Daroles illustre “Phèdre !”. – L. Nguyen
Trois représentations, à partir de ce lundi 16 septembre, au Cratère de l'oeuvre de Racine… en solo.
It will have been quickly noticed that this play Phèdre! which is presented three times at the Cratère, is not like the others, since it is punctuated by an exclamation point, which in Racine's time was called a point of admiration. Indeed, the real subject of Phèdre! is the admiration that its only protagonist, the actor Romain Daroles, devotes to this great text of classical theater, adapted by François Gemaud. With a simple table as a backdrop, alone on stage, Romain Daroles is a sort of lecturer who recounts, book in hand, the wonders of the Alexandrine, Racine's unique language, the divine genealogies of the main characters.
This is the first part of the trilogy that François Gremaud intends to devote to three great tragic female figures of the classical performing arts: Phèdre (theater), Giselle (ballet) and Carmen (opera). In Phèdre! these are the different facets of the work that unfold: the strength of the passions that the classic author depicts, the mythological origins of the protagonists and the historical context of the writing of the play.
This Monday 16, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 September at 8:30 p.m. at the Cratère. Prices: 19 €, 17 €, 11 €. Information at 04 66 52 52 64.