He punched his wife in the face: violent partner taken into custody

He punched his wife in the face: violent partner taken into custody

Le prévenu a été condamné à 18 mois de prison dont 12 avec sursis. Illustration Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

Il a été condamné par le tribunal correctionnel de Montpellier ce lundi 23 septembre en comparution immédiate.

The Sète man prosecuted for aggravated violence against his partner before the Montpellier criminal court in immediate appearance this Monday, September 23, was sentenced.
He had been arrested after an argument at the marital home, which escalated in the middle of the night on Friday, September 20. As a reminder, around 11 p.m., the man had attacked his partner by punching her in the face. He also grabbed her by the hair, and finally made her fall heavily to the ground. It was her screams while the victim was struggling that alerted a family member. The police then took the violent partner into custody.
The medical examiner established the seriousness of the attacks suffered (this would not be the first time) by the victim at the level of 10 days of ITT. Which aggravates from a criminal point of view, the charge of prevention for violence against a spouse.

Anti-rapprochement bracelet

Brought before the public prosecutor on Sunday, September 22, with a view to a judgment in immediate appearance, the defendant received a severe sentence. The judges gave him eighteen months in prison, twelve of which were suspended with probation, with a requirement for treatment. Continued detention was ordered for the six-month firm sentence to be served. Upon his release, the convicted person will be prohibited from contacting the victim, appearing at the marital home and in the city of Sète. In addition, he will have to wear an anti-rapprochement bracelet and pay damages for physical and moral harm.

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