Mélenchon meets the people of Lozère, prisoners who revolt, the return of the mayor of Nîmes: the main news in the region

Mélenchon meets the people of Lozère, prisoners who revolt, the return of the mayor of Nîmes: the main news in the region

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Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Détenus en colère

#NÎMES An angry movement of prisoners occurred at the Nîmes remand center on Saturday, September 28 in the afternoon. More than a hundred of them refused to return to their cells.

Half of them were in one of the courtyards, the other in the other. This movement was initiated during the walks. The prisoners are protesting against their conditions of incarceration: mattresses on the floor, bedbugs, limited showers, etc. Regional intervention and security teams from Toulouse and Marseille went to the scene to resolve the situation. Everything was back to normal by early evening.

The Nîmes remand center is overcrowded with 476 inmates for 200 places. 

Jean-Paul Fournier back at the city council

#NIMES The mayor of Nîmes is back! After several weeks of absence following a knee operation, Jean-Paul Fournier was expected for the first city council meeting of the new school year, this Saturday, September 28. And he quickly entered the fray. In his introductory speech, after having "thanked the staff of the Nîmes University Hospital whose dedication greatly helped me" and congratulated the appointment of Prime Minister Michel Barnier and Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau, the LR mayor did not fail to tackle his best enemy Yvan Lachaud (centre right).

Expressing his "relief" following the acquittal of Franck Proust in the so-called Senim affair, he deplored « the actions of some who, failing to win the votes of the people of Nîmes, use the prosecution service to engage in gutter politics ».
The tone was set before the cases and interventions began to pile up.

After the controversy, Mélenchon goes to Lozère

#FLORAC ET MENDE During the summer university of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had declared in essence that there were no intellectuals in Lozère, the smallest department in France. Remarks that had outraged the people of Lozère, including Julien Tuffery, the head of the workshops of the same name who had invited the head of LFI to come there.

And this Friday, September 27, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came to meet him. A “cordial” visit according to the entrepreneur who did not wish to “dwell". Jean-Luc Mélenchon then gave a meeting, this Saturday, September 28, 2024, in Mende to call for the dismissal of President Macron. photo dr

Burn on a slide

#TOULOUSE Wail, 2, was seriously burned by caustic soda on a slide on September 18. Two minors aged 11 and 12 are suspected of having spread the chemical product all over the playground.

On Friday, September 27, the two suspected children were confronted at the Toulouse central police station. They are blaming each other and will be examined by a psychiatric expert next week. Wail, meanwhile, has third-degree burns on his thigh. He was hospitalized again on Friday to undergo a skin graft, reports La Dépêche du Midi. “Since the accident, the product has been eating his flesh”, says his mother.

Today's figure: 35,000

#OCCITANIE The Order of Chartered Accountants of the region has given 35,000 euros to Enfants Cancers Santé Occitanie. It has managed to raise 25,000 euros thanks to the contribution of its members. To this sum was added a contribution of 10,000 euros from the Fondation des experts-comptables.

A ceremony was organized in Narbonne for the presentation of these funds which will allow to support the medical teams in their quest for new treatments.

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