Parliamentary attachés, salaries and allowances of deputies, Sophie Pantel reveals the behind the scenes

Parliamentary attachés, salaries and allowances of deputies, Sophie Pantel reveals the behind the scenes

Une équipe soudée autour de la députée Sophie Pantel. MIDI LIBRE – M. P

Sophie Pantel, élue députée de la Lozère en juillet 2024, exerce son mandat en toute transparence. Attachés parlementaires, salaire, indemnités, elle dit tout sur le régime des élus de la République.

Sophie Pantel was elected under the socialist label and sits on the Finance Committee of the National Assembly: “This committee monitors all subjects, including the Finance Bills (PLF) and Social Security Bills (PLFSS). Within the committee, I am the special rapporteur for Civil Security and also for European cooperation.”

The MP has a delegation to local authorities. She also belongs to a cross-party group on medical demography: “I would like to create one on rurality.”In addition, she sits on the office of the National Assembly. To follow current files and at the same time sit and vote on laws, Sophie Pantel needs a team. Two people in Paris (Axelle Migevant and Joris Largeron) and two in Mende for the permanent staff (Léa Portefaix and Sophie Montel), representing 3.1 full-time equivalents (FTEs).

Read also: A dive into the world of the National Assembly in Paris with the MP for Lozère Sophie Pantel

Salaries and allowances: not to be confused

Axelle Migevant explains : "Our role is to accompany her, to support her in preparing the files, in order to ensure the best presence during the work, in session and in committee. On local problems, our colleagues from Mende complement." Axelle Migevant submitted an unsolicited application last July, following the dissolution of the Assembly, after studying political science.

In terms of salary and allowances, Sophie Pantel receives a salary of €7,637.39 gross (€5,953.34 net before withholding tax).“The majority of MPs earn between €4,500 and €5,000 net per month”, specifies the elected official. In addition, she receives an advance of 5,950 euros per month to cover expenses not covered by the National Assembly on supporting documents: premises, travel, accommodation, meals, training, communication, etc. and a credit allocated to the remuneration of employees of 11,118 euros. The MP travels from Lozère, via Riom-Châtel-Guyon, to Paris by train: “It's more economical and more ecological”, she smiles.

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