Mazan Trial: “We are rapists in fact, not rapists in spirit”, the appalling explanations of the accused

Mazan Trial: "We are rapists in fact, not rapists in spirit", the appalling explanations of the accused

Des explications très étonnantes, voire choquantes de certains accusés. MIDI LIBRE – François Barrère

Après quatre semaines d’audience, certains des 51 accusés du procès Dominique Pelicot n’ont pas bougé d’un pouce dans leur ligne de défense. Au risque d’avancer des justifications aussi invraisemblables qu’indécentes devant la cour criminelle du Vaucluse.

Could we hope for a shred of decency in such a sordid case? ? After four years of investigation and four weeks of trial at the Vaucluse criminal court, we would have liked to believe that some of the accused had reflected on themselves and moved forward. Includes the poignant testimonies of Gisèle Pelicot and her daughter. Including the material evidence presented by the investigators, and the statements of Dominique Pelicot, who admits to having organized the rapes under chemical submission of his wife for ten years.

Between unworthy cowardice and crass stupidity

Instead, the stunned court witnessed on Thursday, October 3, a dismaying accumulation of unworthy cowardice, shamelessness, arrogance and crass stupidity.

“Having memories, that would be good to defend myself, because now I come across as a liar or an idiot" admits, not without lucidity, Jean T., 52, who came from Lyon by car to abuse Gisèle. He swears that Dominique Pelicot drugged him, by serving him a soda when he arrived in Mazan. "Afterwards he made love to his wife in front of me, and I don't remember what happened. I ended up in the car I don't know how."

He happily abuses the victim

The videos show it: the man seemed perfectly conscious when he happily abused the victim, under the orders of Dominique Pelicot. But he walled himself up in his idea. "When I was arrested I asked for a blood test, but the investigators told me it was too late. I asked to zoom in on my eyes in the videos to see if they were changed because of the drugs."

Also read: INFO MIDI LIBRE. Dominique Pelicot and the Mazan rapes: these five new cold cases investigated by the judicial police

Simone M., 43, neighbor of the couple in Mazan came to their villa before the nocturnal rendezvous, while Gisèle was there. "You'll see, my wife is beautiful and if she questions you, you'll say that you came to see my bike" Dominique would have told her. "I didn't see any ulterior motives. I am called a rapist just because there is this word non-consent. Pelicot manipulated me and I fell into his trap."

An unimaginable level of perversion and betrayal

Gisèle Pelicot, her eyes in the distance on her bench, seems helpless. Her lawyer, Me Babonneau: “Do you realize the unimaginable level of perversion and betrayal she must feel knowing that you let the man who was going to rape her into your home, and to whom she said hello ?”

“For four years, working with psychologists, I have measured the damage I have done to my family. I have betrayed her trust. Why, why, why ? I think that in every man there is a demon."

Gisèle seems terrified, and puts her sunglasses back on, touched. The president : "Was it a way to show the merchandise before it was consumed ?"

Pelicot, from the box. "I never considered her as merchandise. I was always very proud to be at her side. It's true that I wanted to make her known. I did have fun, but not as an object, as someone very, very good."

"I plead not guilty!"

The odious is yet to come. Redouane F., 55, a private nurse, is as agitated as he is angry in court, where he appears free. "I plead not guilty!" he exclaims, peremptory. The story of his arrival at the villa in Mazan, where Dominique Pelicot is waiting for him, leaves one speechless. "When I saw him, I had the fear of my life. He had a… terrifying look. I see a morbid atmosphere, a tired lady, old-fashioned lingerie, nothing sexy. Ie find myself stuck with this character who terrifies me, and at the slightest attempt to escape, I am dead. The best way is to do what we agreed to do, and not to frustrate him."

A magistrate : "If you are afraid, how do you explain your erection ?" Redouane F. "I have an advantage, it is that I am in the medical field" he says before launching into a very confusing discussion about the different stages of unconsciousness. Gisèle, to her neighbor. “It's unbearable.”

Gisèle ended up bursting into laughter on her bench

Mr. Camus, her other lawyer: ” You felt like you were communicating with Madame ?”

“I tried to make contact in a sensual way, while being in terror, was very difficult to manage." It is pointed out to her that he went so far as to lick her toes. "I know that feet tickle, and I was hoping that she would wake up." he dares. Gisèle cracks, and bursts out laughing on the bench, before raising her head, devastated.

“Why didn't you leave ? “

“When a sheep is faced with the wolf, we don't ask it why it didn't leave. I was flabbergasted."

Only Jérôme V., 46, who has been to Mazan six times, recognizes everything. He also has an explanation for the "chance" meetings organized by Pelicot between certain men and Gisèle, in Mazan or at the shopping center. “Qthat his wife could find herself face to face with her rapists without her knowing, that excited him like nothing else".

Thierry P., 61, also a prisoner, and a hardened libertine, puts forward a lunar formula for his part: "We are rapists in fact, but not rapists in spirit." Really ?

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