“Saving lives”: in Frontignan, the municipality is committed to training residents in first aid

“Saving lives”: in Frontignan, the municipality is committed to training residents in first aid

La formation dispensée par les sapeurs-pompiers (GQV) dure 2 h. – Ville de Frontignan

Émanation du budget participatif, la campagne de formation aux premiers secours mise en place par la ville de Frontignan reprend pour ses sessions d’automne.

It was one of the key proposals of the first participatory budget of the city of Frontignan in 2022: training in first aid (GQV) and civic prevention and first aid (PSC) will restart after the summer break. The initiative, which we owe to Pascal Guy from Frontignan, aims to train residents in first aid and was presented at the town hall on Monday, October 7, by firefighters and the Red Cross, in the presence of several elected officials.

A wider audience

A budget of 30,000 euros has been allocated to this project with the aim of reaching as many people as possible« , specified Loïc Linares, municipal councilor responsible among other things for the democratic transition. A campaign organized over two years that is expanding to young people. From 12 years old for the PSC and eight years old for the GQS. Two modules, free of charge, which will be delivered respectively by the Red Cross and the firefighters, via the association Union départementale des sapeurs-pompiers de l'Hérault (UDSP34).

Concretely, the PSC training, a qualifying training that lasts 7 hours and 30 minutes, aims to provide solid teaching and pays particular attention to drowning situations. Shorter (2 hours), the GQV intends to train citizens in the essential actions to perform while waiting for help. It was the latter that was presented this Monday evening by Cyrille and Samuel, two firefighter trainers. The opportunity to recall some basics and break down certain prejudices around first aid.

The human being at the center of the system

Exit for example the « mouth-to-mouth », considered too complicated or too repulsive, which will be replaced by a well-applied cardiac massage. « One hand on the other, in the middle of the sternum, and regular compressions to the rhythm of the Bee Gees song Stayin’Alive, always maintaining contact with the emergency services. &raquo The firefighter trainers, who have been through the 18 switchboard, also warn against « the’tunnel effect » : this stress that prevents us in a critical situation from delivering fundamental information, such as our own location. « As much data as possible must be transmitted so that the intervention is rapid, every minute counts », explain the rescuers, recalling in passing that « firefighters only have a limited geolocation system ».

Symptomatic of our contemporary condition, the smartphone and its capabilities are just as essential in the care process. Staying in touch with the emergency services by loudspeaker and being able to geolocate oneself are all factors likely to make a difference. But we must not forget the human aspect, and the crucial link that is formed in these cases between the agent and the person on site. « We are still lucky to have men and women who answer emergency numbers », believes the firefighter. It is up to us to make their job easier during interventions, while hoping with them « that helping others continues to be a vocation ».

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