A new musical group, fine-free ZFEs, luxury hotels soon to be inaugurated: the essential regional news

A new musical group, fine-free ZFEs, luxury hotels soon to be inaugurated: the essential regional news

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Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

5 and 4-star hotels to open in 2025 in the centre of Nîmes

#GARD Initially announced for January 2025, the opening of the Grand Hôtel-Dieu, a 5-star hotel, will finally take place in the second quarter of 2025 in Nîmes. It will be located in the former premises of the CCI, a building that housed hospital structures in 1483 and which has been rebuilt or renovated several times.

The establishment will have sixty-six rooms and suites, a restaurant, La Table consulaire, a bar, a spa and a seminar room. Sowell, the project leader, also plans to manage a four-star Lifestyle hotel, La Villa Arena, in a building to be renovated in the extension of the Musée de la Romanité, a stone's throw from the arenas and the future Congress Center. 97 rooms and suites will be available, with a restaurant, La Table d'Apicius, a bar and a cozy lounge. Opening planned for fall 2025.

Music: learning to create on a computer is possible

#SÈTE The Manitas de Plata conservatory in Sète opened a digital music creation department last year, welcoming 17 students with varied backgrounds. They will learn mixing, sound design, editing and even music for images while working on personal and collective projects.

This new training is part of the desire of Sète Agglopôle, on which the CRI depends, to include the digital tool in musical learning. “The most obvious contact of our students with music is the telephone, but it was an aspect very little addressed in class, says the director Grégory Rattez. We want to train creators, capable of composing, recording themselves, and that it is not just a question of instrumental technique.”

The renovated Béziers market halls will open on November 15

#HÉRAULT After long months of work necessary for the modernization of the Béziers market halls, the new stallholders were invited, this Tuesday, to an information meeting at the convention center.

It was organized by Biltoki, a company selected by the City to manage the site, in order to present the latest details of the project and also to allow them to discuss among themselves. Robert Ménard, the mayor, came on this occasion to announce the inauguration date: it will be Friday, November 15 at noon.

ZFE: “There will be no checks”, assures the mayor

#MONTPELLIERFrom January 1, 2025, Crit’Air 3 vehicles must be banned from Montpellier and ten surrounding municipalities. But what about the verbalizations? ? The president of the Metropolis wanted to be calming while the matter was invited to the council. Michaël Delafosse reaffirmed his “voluntarism to promote low-carbon travel”.

Then mentioned a certain flexibility to come in the face of verbalizations. He even concluded: “I want to be very clear: no checks… There will be no checks.” A surprising implication because checks and fines are the responsibility of another authority: that of the State.

Today's figure: 40

#LOZÈRE The National Training Center for Rescue in Dangerous Environments and Mountains is celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate this anniversary, two days of celebrations, demonstrations and entertainment are planned, this Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12 in Florac-Trois-Rivières, where the institution is located. “Every year, we organize 35 training courses, which last between 3 and 15 days. We are in the field 130 days out of 365”, explains Captain Guy Pourchot, head of the center.

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