A CAF check to subscribe to dating sites: this surprising proposal to boost the birth rate in France

To counter the decline in the birth rate, a French sociologist proposes several measures to increase the number of romantic encounters.

What if you took out a subscription to a dating site with help from the CAF ? This is the astonishing idea of ​​sociologist Julien Damon who proposes this initiative in an essay published this Friday, August 30. 

In the columns of l'Express, he discusses his idea of ​​creating "a large public dating service to complement or replace the well-known websites, Meetic, Tinder and the like". To increase the number of meetings via these applications, "checks", or "vouchers allowing access to these digital tools", could be set up according to him.

"A public service for early childhood"

"For fans of old-fashioned flirting, the public authorities could also support bars, restaurants and gyms that organize moments of meet”, adds the sociologist.

Julien Damon explains that the CAF could finance "marriage counseling, for single individuals, with or without children, who wish to relaunch their adventure as a couple". The allocation of family allowances to the first child or "investment in a public early childhood service" are also ideas proposed by the essayist who wants to boost the birth rate.

With an average of 1.68 children per woman in 2023, the fertility indicator "has never been so low" since 1945, with the exception of the years 1993 and 1994, explains Insee. The same observation in 2024: still according to INSEE, over the first six months of 2024, the birth rate fell by 2.4% in France. To counter this phenomenon, Emmanuel Macron announced that he would defend “a demographic rearmament”.

Last May, the President of the Republic gave an interview to the women's magazine “Elle” where he discussed various subjects such as a fertility check-up, better access to medically assisted procreation and oocyte conservation, and maternity leave.

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