A collective and local authorities stand up against the establishment of a quarry in Aubrac

A collective and local authorities stand up against the establishment of a quarry in Aubrac

Les représentants du collectif devant le futur site de la carrière de sable. MIDI LIBRE – M. P

A collective of residents and associations, municipalities, and the Aubrac Highlands Community Council are strongly opposed to the establishment of a sand quarry on a hillside. valley above the Bès river, in Natura 2000 zone.

Around the table of a beautiful house in the village of Saint-Urcize in Cantal, a few members of a collective of residents and associations hold discussions. They are there to counter a project to establish a sand quarry located opposite them, a few strokes from the pigeons' wings, in a valley in the Aubrac Regional Park, where flows the Bès river, in Natura 2 000 zone. Very close to the village of Recoules-d’Aubrac. The area, called Castaraste, extends as far as the eye can see. It is the Salles et Fils company, based in Saint-Léger-de-Peyre, which could soon establish itself here, as prime contractor for the future operating site. The company already has a quarry in Rieutortet, not very far away, at the end of its life. She wishes to establish herself in Castaraste to continue her activity.

A file under investigation

"The 45 hectare site belonged to a farmer who went bankrupt. We saw the idea of ​​a career flourish at that time, laments Fred Pullini, a member of the collective. Between 2017 and 2019, the project took shape, at the time of the official creation of the Aubrac Regional Park and which encompasses ;the targeted lands, part of which is in a wetland. With a subsoil rich in rocks of all grain sizes. "It was not until 2023 that the population was made aware",comments Marjory Mayo, a resident and opponent of the project. The impact study they have in their hands is a summary of the file submitted to the prefecture, for opinion. It stipulates that the quarry will have a footprint of 16 hectares (excluding wetlands), that it will operate all year round from Monday to Saturday "except in cases of bad weather" . But above all, the sand will be extracted from this future Castaraste quarry to be transported by trucks to the future former site of Rieutortet, a few kilometers away. For washing, screening, filtering and sizing. The report indicates an annual extraction of 120,000 to 150,000 tonnes per year, over 30 years. With 40,000 m3 of earth moved and stored in the form of roadside embankments.

“Landscapes, hiking, road use, the location is not compatible”

Ève Brezet, mayor of Recoules-d’Aubrac : "The municipal council deliberated unanimously against this project, as did the community of communes of the Hautes lands de l’Aubrac. The location would be on the edge of a departmental road, which leads to the Chaldette fitness center. Le Bès is not far away. On the other hand, our two pillars are tourism and agriculture. We have been working on developing both for 40 years. So, having incessant truck traffic is unthinkable. There is also the problem of the Gournier bridge, which is cracking. And opposite, the hotel, where two young people have taken over. For them, it would be the closure of the establishment, we must not dream. We requested the file, which is in the hands of the prefect. Either there is a public inquiry, or it will stop there. But, if necessary, we will go to court. I informed Mr. Salles of our decision. I add that there is also an unfavorable opinion regarding the Aubrac Regional National Park."
Alain Astruc, president of the Hautes Terres de l’Aubrac  comcom:"The location is not conducive to the project, with its landscaped character, hiking trails and problems with road use. This is not compatible. I want to say that we support our companies and I understood that there were possibilities in the current career. We know the Salles company very well, it is a very good company. But I hope that the opinion of elected officials will count. If the project continues, we will see with our elected colleagues what we will do."
During the Nasbinals municipal council of June 5, 2024, elected officials voted for a motion of opposition in principle to any sand pit project on the Castaraste site, putting forward & quot;the negation of two vital pillars of the territory, agriculture and tourism". The mayor of the town, Bernard Bastide, is also president of the Aubrac Regional Natural Park. The same motion was voted on by the commune of Sainte-Urcize, in Cantal.
Hervé Salles, owner of the current quarry and initiator of the project on the Castaraste site, was contacted but did not respond.

"The project was presented to the council of Recoules-d’Aubrac. Hervé Salles had to specify the restoration of the site. That day, the inhabitants of Saint-Urcize, Recoules and Nasbinals came to listen. The mayor took responsibility and told him that she did not want this establishment, explains Marjory Mayo. Just like the commune of Nasbinals, the community of communes of the Hautes Terres de l’Aubrac, the Regional Park. But now, the file is under investigation at the prefecture, decision-maker on the matter.

The prefecture gives answers

The Lozère prefecture was contacted regarding the follow-up of this file, in particular by Dreal. Here are the responses received: "This authorization application file was submitted on February 23, 2024 after a scoping phase initiated in 2021. Its examination should make it possible to determine whether the project is not likely to be implemented. rsquo;affect protected species, knowing that the planned establishment is close to a Natura 2000 classified area. The increase in heavy goods vehicle traffic around the sand pit, and particularly in the town of Nasbinals, also raises questions. These potential obstacles to the project are closely scrutinized in an instruction procedure defined by the environmental code and which provides for consultations likely to enlighten the prefect on the impact of the project. In addition, assuming that the prefect gives his agreement to its implementation, he can accompany his decision with measures intended to avoid, reduce or compensate for the negative impacts of the project. Subject to certain concealments, the documents in the file can be communicated on request. This may be addressed to Dreal. It is therefore possible to write to the head of the Gard-Lozère unit of Dreal, Pierre Castel at the following address: pierre.castel@developpement-durable.gouv.fr."

Another subject raised by Pascale Debord, the president of the Aubrac Avenir association, pollution: "It will be aerial with the dust carried by the wind, visual with the destruction of the glacial valley of Bès, the emblematic landscape of Aubrac. Sound with sand extraction. Not to mention security with trucks, 45 tonnes each, which would pass through the center of Nasbinals. Environmental with the flows in the Bès basin." And in the middle of the sector, the road to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle and its share of pilgrim walkers. For the collective, the carrier would have proposed not to pass the trucks during the May and June bridges, nor in the summer: "He would pass by a circuitous route but in any case the road infrastructures are not designed for this."

A collective and local authorities stand up against the establishment of a quarry in Aubrac

Bridges and small roads to serve the future quarry. FREE NOON – M. P

Residents and members of the collective feel idle but combative: "We are not against the quarrymen. But not here, in the middle of the plateau and its exceptional environmental character." And they go further: "If necessary, we will create a Zad (zone to defend). Here we are."

An online petition has been launched and has already collected nearly 3,000 signatures: change.org/p/aubrac-non-à-une-nouvelle-carrière-de- sand-in-the-heart-of-the-plateau I subscribe to read more

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