A complaint for Adolphe, medals that change us… Relive the crazy day of French athletics at the Paralympics

A complaint for Adolphe, medals that change us… Relive the crazy day of French athletics at the Paralympics

Guide Jeffrey Lami and his runner Timothée Adolphe in the final of the 400m T11. MAXPPP – Andrew Matthews

Three medals in athletics, that's rare for French sport! The Blues put on a show this Sunday, September 1st at the Stade de France, with a pinch of suspense for Timothée Adolphe, who appealed on the 400m T11.

We had forgotten about the red-white-blue that climbs onto the athletics podiums. We forgot how pleasant a feeling it is. It is true that in France, in recent years, we had learned to savor the performances of others, to get excited about their records, for want of having top-notch French athletes.

The “Paras” make us rediscover this taste of French thrill on the athletics track. The day before, it was Antoine Praud on 1500m, back from the devil vauvert, who made us smile again.

This Sunday, September 1st, the Blues allowed us one more thing, and not the least: to alleviate the back-to-school blues. First, the freshness of Gloria Agblemagnon, 26, who smashed her personal record in the shot put (14.43 meters, ex 13.90m) and invited herself onto the F20 podium (mental disability) with an unexpected silver medal. Another surprise, Manon Genest's T37 long jump. The 31-year-old native of Chateauroux and young mother equaled her personal record (4.59 m) to get on the podium, having previously competed in para-triathlon and sprint events such as the 200 m and 400 m.

Claim in progress for Timothée Adolphe

A third athletics medal was added in the evening on Sunday. Three, quite a feat on paper. But the silver won by Timothée Adolphe in the 400m T11 (blind), in an atmosphere that was once again magical, left a nasty bitterness in the mouth.

The world number one and his guide Jeffrey Lami, at the front throughout the race, fell apart a bit at the end. Fatal. “We are disappointed, we wanted gold, obviously. We know that we have so much better legs. I am the fastest but not the most resistant. Tonight, it showed. The others are having the race of their lives”, he regretted, despite all fair play.

The last 80 meters of the Venezuelan winner Enderson Santos were indeed impressive. So much so that it's fishy? The French staff decided to lodge a complaint. In the finish, the guide seemed to be dragging, pulling, his runner. Which is forbidden.

In the evening, the judges decided to postpone their decision until the next day. And if there is a postponement, it's because there is doubt… Wait and see.

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