A former teacher from Bagnolais presents his collection on the evolution of the flora in the Rhone Gard for 25 years

A former teacher from Bagnolais presents his collection on the evolution of the flora in the Rhone Gard for 25 years

Marc Mayen a dû arrêter ses cours de botaniques auprès des retraités en 2021 car “après le Covid les élèves ne s’inscrivaient plus”. Midi Libre – C.L.

Marc Mayen, ancien professeur de botanique, présente dans un livre manuscrit tous les relevés d’espèces effectués dans différents lieux du Gard rhodanien dans le premier quart du XXIe siècle.

"I made this book out of love for plants." In a handwritten collection of around a hundred pages, Marc Mayen lists the surveys of ;species carried out with his students during his botany classes, from 1995 to 2021. "I’had been approached at the time by Gérard Revol (PS mayor of Bagnols from 1995 to 2001 and deputy from 1997 to 2002, Editor's note) to become a botany professor on the reflection and training animation committee for retirees from Gard (Cadref)"< /em>, indicates the Bagnolais who is now 87 years old. The adventure then lasted a quarter of a century. Once a week, he taught retirees in a room at the Mallet hotel."There were around thirty of them, it was just fun! We went out to collect plants. We returned to study the families, living conditions and characteristics of five species collected."

In his book "The flora of the Rhone Gard in the first quarter of the 21st century", he presents the characteristics of each plant collected in eighteen different places. A map listing the areas has been added to the book. How many species does he know ? "I can't say but a lot.& ;quot; In Bagnols, there is data recorded on the road and the submersible bridge of Carmignan, the path of Bourdilhan, the Berret area, the path of Pont-du-diable hill of the ;rsquo;Ancyse and the edge of Cèze to the north of Hamelines. Surveys were also made in other communes of the Rhone Gard. For certain places, there are several data collected in different years. &quot ;These surveys are of great interest to people interested in the environment. They can be signs of climate change in our region by comparing them to records taken in the future", writes the author in his introduction.

Endangered species

Some archive photos from the releases illustrate the first pages of the book he started writing in September 2021. One year later, the collection was already finished. "After this botanical diversity observed in the Bagnols-sur-Cèze region, changes in the local flora can already be observed, explains the retiree. In these changes, climate modification plays a big role." For example, according to him, global warming would be responsible for the presence of pampas lily of the valley and groundsel climbing along the edge of the underpass south of Bagnols station. He also noted that since 2010, the wall gecko is more present than before in Bagnols. Conversely, certain species are endangered because "they are no longer cultivated by humans". This is the case for dyers’ madder, previously used for dyes or paint. "Il should not also neglect the intervention of human activity.& ;quot;

"A talented teacher"

With his book, Marc Mayen put an end to his activity. He hopes that his former students will be interested in obtaining it. "It’s thanks to them that I was able to write this study and turn it into a book. I will be happy to give them a copy", confides the Bagnolais who always exchanges letters with some of them. In a binder, they are all stored there. "Thank you for your kindness and your skills" can we read or "a talented teacher".

Those interested in purchasing the book can contact Marc Mayen on 04 66 89 55 48.

A life dedicated to teaching

Marc Mayen was a life and earth sciences teacher at the Gérard-Philipe high school (at the time this establishment was the only high school in Bagnols) from 1963 to 1998. He spent his entire career there after obtaining a degree in phytosociology. Many former students still write to him. "I loved teaching and my students loved me." His students included the current principal of the Albert-Einstein high school, Thierry Delaigue, and the president of the Gard Rhone agglomeration, Jean-Christian Rey.

Upon his retirement, Marc Mayen became departmental delegate of National Education (DDEN) in the Bagnols constituency. He plays, on a voluntary basis, a mediation role in public schools and ensures in particular the comfort of students and teachers. Last December, the office of the Gard des DDEN union rewarded him for his commitment by offering him a medal.

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