A lake emptied in the middle of summer, a giant water leak, a heated arrest: the essential news from the region

A lake emptied in the middle of summer, a giant water leak, a heated arrest: the essential news from the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l'essentiel de l'actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l'essentiel de l'actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

A lake drained in the middle of summer

#GARD The Lac du Bonheur, in Saint-Sauveur-Camprieu, will be drained from this Monday, for work to secure the dam, while cracks have appeared. Since the repairs must be completed outside the flood period and during the trout spawning and amphibian spawning periods and must last more than two months, the town hall is forced to drain the lake in the middle of summer.

The design office has in fact taken into account the risk of climatic hazards (Cévennes episodes), which could delay the work. It should be finished by the end of October.

Today's figure: 8,500

#MILLAU 8,500 homes in downtown Millau were left without running water early this Saturday, August 17. The cause: a leak in the city's drinking water supply network that affected a large majority of residents. “The leak was located on a large pipe that simply emptied the entire network of old Millau” explains the regional director of Véolia. Urgent work began in the afternoon to restore the water supply.

Léon Marchand invited to the mine

LA GRAND-COMBEVice-president of the Gard departmental council, Patrick Malavieille invited Léon Marchand, via Facebook, to celebrate the Charbon Ardent event, organized at the end of 2024. “Dear Léon, you who carried the flame with a mining lamp, we invite you on Saturday, December 7 to La Grand-Combe for the Charbon Ardent festival, in tribute to the mining corporation. We are counting on you! “, writes the elected official. A proposal that seems to please Internet users, as it has generated so many enthusiastic and numerous comments.
It now remains to be seen whether the four-time Olympic swimming champion, crowned at the Paris Olympic Games, will respond positively to this proposal.

He had tried to "burn" the police

#OCCITANIEThis Friday, August 16, 2024, five individuals were brought before the courts for drug trafficking, refusal to comply, and attempted murder of public officials, our colleagues at Le Figaro announced. During an intervention and “several searches”, the police seized a large arsenal of drugs and weapons.

The suspects are three men and two women aged 21 to 31 who were already registered in the criminal records file. The investigation began in March 2024 and focused on drug trafficking between Spain and France. This Tuesday, August 13, an arrest operation is launched as the traffickers return from Spain. Four people are arrested.

During the inspection of the carrier car, the driver tries to set the vehicle on fire and sprays two police officers with a flammable liquid, while asking his passenger to “burn” them. But she does not obey. The fifth suspect is arrested later. They were taken into custody.

The story of Ambrussum is revealed a little more

#HERAULT The excavation campaign launched by Maxime Scrinzi in 2016 on the site of the ancient forum is coming to an end. It allowed us to go back in time and better understand the evolution of the place, up to its abandonment. In nine years, the excavations made it possible to go back to the first developments of the site, in the 3rd century BC, and to explain its evolution up to the abandonment, at the beginning of the 2nd century.

Now, the archaeologists will synthesize the results and evaluate certain hypotheses. Last opportunity to visit the site before the covering, Wednesday August 21 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Reservations at 04 67 02 22 33 or at ambrussum@lunelagglo.fr

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