A magnificent artistic hairstyle to symbolize solidarity and raise awareness for Pink October in Montpellier

A magnificent artistic hairstyle to symbolize solidarity and raise awareness for Pink October in Montpellier

Tout un symbole sous les parapluies roses. @huey.op – Mahamoud Mouayad

La jeune coiffeuse Victory Dickson livre son talent afin de provoquer une discussion pour pouvoir parler du cancer du sein.

Some opt for words, others it is art that allows them to express themselves. This is the case of Victory Dickson. The young woman currently in CAP hairdressing in Montpellier and who wishes to specialize in Afro hairstyles decided to design a somewhat special work for Octobre rose.

“The approach is personal. Since hairdressing is a way to express myself, I thought that a hair creation could start a discussion."

A symbol of solidarity

Result, a magnificent hairstyle that stands out with this huge pink heart. "This hairstyle symbolizes for me the solidarity in the face of this cause that is Pink October and I hope that it will help raise awareness of the fight against breast cancer."

A magnificent artistic hairstyle to symbolize solidarity and raise awareness for Pink October in Montpellier

A hairstyle to get a message across. Mahamoud Mouayadi – @huey.op

A magnificent artistic hairstyle to symbolize solidarity and raise awareness for Pink October in Montpellier

A pink ribbon heart against breast cancer. Mahamoud Mouayadi – @huey.op

And when his model was photographed by Mahamoud Mouayadi, rue de la Loge in Montpellier, passers-by were intrigued. The creation has challenged, the message has spread, the objective has thus been achieved. And all in beauty.

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