A mayor against Mac Do, a hope of ping, worried Habitat customers: the essential news in the region

A mayor against Mac Do, a hope of ping, worried Habitat customers: the essential news in the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l’essentiel de l’actualité sur midilibre.fr

Chaque soir à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Les clients lésés d’Habitat toujours dans l’expectative

#MONTPELLIER. A press release ignited the powder among Habitat customers harmed since the closure of the brand. The Cafom group, still owner of the brand, announces its "major initiative in favor of its 9 000 customers".

The repurchase of "certain assets, for an amount of 300 000 €" authorized by the supervising judge would be a solution adapted to their benefit. This "in order to preserve the value of the brand", is it clearly stated. An announcement which does not reassure these customers gathered within a Facebook group. The group is moving towards a request to the commercial court.

Ettore affair: questions and doubts

#HERAULT. After the placement in pre-trial detention of the mayor of Age and his clairvoyant, we learned this weekend of the incarceration of the director “Eiffage routes” who supervises three departments, and the placement under judicial supervision of one of his subordinates. "This story is crazy, insists a construction contractor. We wonder who will be next. We have all, or almost all, worked in Agde. Many people don't really laugh anymore. It’s a real soap opera. No one wants to be part of the storyline." On the side of elected officials, there is the same desire for discretion.

"Of course, we can always return to politics. But there, it must be admitted, it will be very difficult for Ettore. Nothing will be said publicly. Many feel betrayed by the chosen one, even if for the moment he is still innocent, the worm is in the fruit. They are afraid for the place that Ettore has secured for them and they fear seeing another political force take back the city", assures this elected official from a neighboring city.

They don't want Mac Dos

#PYRÉNÉES-ORIENTALES. In Toulouges, near Perpignan, the project to establish a Mac Donald&rsquo ;s faces opposition from the municipality announces L’Indépendant. The municipal council passed a motion to this effect.
Beyond the urban planning arguments used to justify this opposition, the mayor's motivation is also "philosophical".
"We were elected to defend policies that favor organic products, short circuits, waste reduction, we are committed to a responsible approach and this philosophy does not stick , in our opinion, with this project", justifies Nicolas Barthe, first city councilor. The municipal council undertakes to use "all useful and necessary legal means" to prevent this installation.

A table tennis hopeful

#BAGNOLS-SUR-CÈZE.Adam Gomez, 12 years old, started table tennis at the age of 7 at BMSTT (Bagnols-Marcoule table tennis), a club to which he is very attached. It has already carved out a solid place for itself in Occitanie. The Bagnolais will join the Nîmes-Montpellier training center in sport-study next year.

"In the competition pole, the pace is more appropriate for a high-level project", assures his almost certain coach that the young Gard hopeful can join the French team in the coming years.

The number of the day: 6 000

#AUDE. From April 10 to 14, the 18th edition of the Comic Strip Meetings takes place at the Palais des Congrès in Gruissan, announces L’Indépendant. Nearly 6,000 visitors from Aude but also from Toulouse, Perpignan and Montpellier are expected. The elements of this public success have not changed: free entry, friendly atmosphere and very big names available to sign and discuss with visitors. These Meetings will have the theme « Sagas in comics. »

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