“A meeting can change a destiny”: the Montpellier Academy and the judicial protection of youth sign a partnership

“A meeting can change a destiny”: the Montpellier Academy and the judicial protection of youth sign a partnership

Sophie Béjean, rectrice et Sylvie Vella, Directrice interrégionale de la Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse. – @Christophe Renoust

Sophie Béjean, rector of the Montpellier academy and Sophie Vella, interregional director of youth judicial protection (DIPJJ) South, affirmed their partnership in order to provide their support to the UEAJ of Montpellier , (educational unit of day activity) via the signing of a framework agreement.

Sophie Béjean, rector of the Montpellier academy and Sophie Vella, interregional director of the judicial protection of youth (DIPJJ) Sud, met this Friday to affirm a dynamic partnership with the UEAJ, via the signing of a framework agreement which binds the two entities.

Dropping out of school and/or under cover of justice

The implementation of certain measures relating to minors, entrusted by the judicial authority to the DPJJ, is based on partnership agreements at the local level with, for example, the DPJJ; National education, local missions, health or the voluntary sector.

“A meeting can change a destiny”: the Montpellier Academy and the judicial protection of youth sign a partnership

Sylvie Vella and Sophie Béjean signed an agreement between DIPJJ and Académie.

This educational day activity unit (UEAJ) under the aegis of the Judicial Protection of Youth works to take care of  nbsp;young people who have dropped out of school as well as under the cover of justice, with a view to socializing them, supporting them in the development of an integration project, and supporting them in the school and professional circuits.

The two UEAJ sites (one located rue Adam de Craponne where the convention was signed this Friday morning, the other avenue du Père Soulas) each accommodate 24 teenage girls and adolescents aged 16 to 18.

Two educators and two technical teachers in sports or culture and basic knowledge as well as a site manager, Karine Meira, accompany them. While it is a question here of educating and integrating minors in conflict with the law to avoid recidivism, others also fall under other measures: national education , local missions, social assistance for children, etc.

Passing the diploma is "an essential step"

"We don't start from nothing ! We can clearly see that it works thanks to multi-professional teams, teachers, educators, it’s essential. We can amplify to work on prevention, but above all integration. Passing a diploma, driving license or CFG (general training certificate) is an essential step, which can allow them to return to a more traditional path, emphasizes Sophie Béjean.

Young people under the age of 16 from relay classes can be welcomed, as was the case for this young Romanian experiencing great family difficulties, now aged 18, "I arrived here when I was ten, I took lessons to improve my French".

Avoid disruptions in school careers

"We are very attentive to those under 16, it’s very difficult. With National Education at our side, we are working to ensure that there is no break in the educational pathway,note Sophie Vella.

The emotion was there during a cross-interview conducted in the unit's studio by three of them: "I am always extremely touched when young people are damaged by life. We could have feared that they would be lost, but they should not be, it is our role to help them, it is moving of course to see them take pleasure in studying, we can be proud of it", says Sophie Béjean.

“A meeting can change a destiny”: the Montpellier Academy and the judicial protection of youth sign a partnership

Cross-interview organized by young people from the UEAJ.

"It’s not easy for professionals, we are dealing with young people who are on the edge of everything. It's not so much the content, but the trust that will be established between an adult and a minor, which can trigger everything. And it calls upon our own memories. We all preferred French to maths or the other way around! Sometimes a teacher, a meeting has changed a destiny, underlines Sophie Vella.


As a professor here says, “They have skills, but they don't always use them wisely”. "It important to re-narcissize them, and it can only work if the relationship exists, otherwise, it’s a new failure", continues Sylvie Vella .

An emotion shared by Djamel Merah who has managed the two sites since 2017, "here success and failure coexist, the journey is chaotic but in fact, we succeed all the time, few minors reoffend, success is there even when we fail! We are in a pedagogy of repetition, we start again, we redo.

"When he is admitted after an initial assessment in several stages upon arrival, the young person is directed to our Emergence system for support towards the law common", explains Isabelle Bodereau, professor of culture and basic knowledge who regularly organizes meetings "Actu Kfé"< /em> in various places in the city to talk about current affairs "verified". And gradually develop a critical sense, without judgment.

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