A multi-million euro plan to expand the renovation of the Escanaux district in Bagnols
|Représentants de l’État, élus et responsables associatifs réunis pour plusieurs signatures importantes pour l’avenir du territoire. Midi Libre – T. M.
Le préfet du Gard Jérôme Bonet et les partenaires élus ainsi que les responsables associatifs ont signé mardi 10 septembre le contrat de ville du Gard rhodanien et une convention qui permettent d’accélérer le programme de renouvellement urbain du quartier des Escanaux.
“This was my playground for the first 27 years of my life” he declared. Rarely short of anecdotes, the president of the Agglo du Gard rhodanien Jean-Christian Rey spoke “the special emotion of being at the foot of the Escanaux", in another role. He was present this Tuesday, September 10, 2024 in the backyard of the multicultural room where the signing of the city contract of the Gard rhodanien. Different stakeholders, representatives of the State, elected representatives of the territory, the Region, the Department and also association leaders were there.
"A story that advances"
"A contract,“It is a commitment that must be honoured,” declared Gard Prefect Jérôme Bonet. The State representative participated in the signing of the Gard Rhodanien city contract. “I note that urban renovation is sometimes referred to as correcting past mistakes. I don't think we're in it. It's a story that's moving forward, the reality of an era.” The prefect, like the partners in urban policies, has widely relayed the announcement of this day on Tuesday, September 10: “The transformation of Les Escanaux is continuing and will expand." The renovation project costs 3.60 million euros; under the city's political endowment. Other subsidies are planned.
The G2 Tower soon to be demolished
The Escanaux urban renewal project has been underway since 2019. It already includes several achievements "having significantly improved the living environment of residents" commented the mayor of Bagnols-sur-Cèze Jean-Yves Chapelet. By the end of 2024, other stages relating to the urban renewal process will be completed with the delivery of the Ubaresto residence, chemin du Bosquet. The demolition of two residential buildings located at the entrance to the city is also planned. This is the G2 Tower and the Mayre residence.
A new chapter
“We are not just turning a page: we are opening a new, more promising chapter” hammered home”the mayor of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Jean-Yves Chapelet. The councillor also welcomed the inauguration of the Pyramide performance hall on 17 December. Among the signatures recorded on Tuesday, there is the so-called property tax reduction agreement on built properties. This mechanism has enabled Habitat du Gard “to show the way” said the mayor of Bagnols-sur-Cèze. The lessor has indeed carried out projects that have given rise to achievements deemed exemplary by the town's chief magistrate. These include, among others, the redevelopment of the premises of the Ruche numérique, the expansion of the premises of the Passerelles sur Cèze social centre, the renovation of the premises of Riposte aux Escanaux, and the financing of shared gardens.
Priority neighbourhoods
“In Bagnols-sur-Cèze, 4,936 people live in priority neighbourhoods”said Alexandre Pissas, speaking on behalf of the President of the Department, Françoise Laurent-Perrigot. The elected official from Tresques added that in Pont-Saint-Esprit, 1,237 people live in the city's political districts. Still in the central city of Gard Rhodanien, 24% of the population lives in an area designated as a Priority City District (QPV). Four territorial entities are directly concerned: these are the districts of Escanaux, Citadelle, Coronelle and Vigan-Braquet, the northern part of which has been integrated into the perimeter. “Today, we are all fighting for the problems of attractiveness” commented the president of the Agglo Jean-Christian Rey.
Another figure from the territory present at the signing of the Gard rhodanien city contract, the new mayor of Pont-Saint-Esprit, Valère Segal, recalled that the old center of the second commune of Gard rhodanien has been recognized as a priority district since 2015. ” I firmly believe in this new city contract which unites us around a unifying project, he continued. The partnership approach desired by the State is a way forward to respond positively to the needs of residents of priority neighborhoods."
Overall cost and financial distribution
"Today, we are not on a contract that would affect a tiny part of the population declares the president of the Agglo, Jean-Christian Rey. This affects 8% of the population, that is, 6,000 people in the territory that has 76,000 inhabitants. We are all concerned by the city policy” emphasizes the elected official.
The amplification of the Escanaux renovation program is + 9.2M€ investment as well as 5.8M€ additional ANRU (National Urban Renewal Agency) grants, and 756,000 euros; Housing Action loan.
Since the start of the program, distribution of the financial contribution total after amplification: 10.70M€ of the ANRU; 3.70M€: ÉState – DPV (excluding NPNRU); 1 M€ : ÉState-Fresh land ; Habitat du Gard abounds to the tune of 42.50 M€; the Banque des territoires to the tune of 29 M€ ; Housing action for 1.80 M euro; the Occitanie Region for an amount of 2.50 M euro; the D& Gard department for 4 million euros; the Community of the Gard Rhodanien agglomeration 186,000 euros; the City of Bagnols-sur-Céze up to 2.70 M€ ; the European Union contributes 500,000 euro;.
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