A new epidemic of deadly respiratory infection: this virus has pushed the authorities to decree a confinement in Colombia

A new epidemic of deadly respiratory infection: this virus has pushed the authorities to decree a confinement in Colombia

Le virus a été identifié : il s'agit du H3N2 qui peut s'avérer mortel s'il provoque des complications. Illustration ENVATO ELEMENTS

An 18-year-old young man died and more than 290 people were exposed to this virus. Colombian health authorities are concerned and have taken measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

It was within the Bogota military school in Colombia that the cases were identified. On Saturday February 3, a young cadet died after contracting a virus.

Several other young people showed the same symptoms. Two days later, the Ministry of Health confirmed this epidemic and presented measures to prevent the spread of this virus which was not immediately identified.

People exposed to this unusual serious acute respiratory infection

Some 290 people were exposed to this virus causing an unusual serious acute respiratory infection. More than a hundred showed symptoms and three were hospitalized, notably in intensive care, as reported by Infobae.

An open health investigation and an autopsy ordered

Faced with this epidemic and the death of the young soldier, the matter was quickly taken seriously. A health investigation was opened. Analyzes and samples were carried out. An autopsy on the body of the young soldier was ordered to confirm the infection.


To stop any spread outside its enclosure, the military school carried out the isolation of exposed people. Control measures were also taken implemented, in particular a quarantine until February 14 for exposed cases, while new cases are identified. 

A new epidemic of deadly respiratory infection: this virus has pushed the authorities to decree a confinement in Colombia

The H3N2 virus identified

According to analyses, the virus which caused this epidemic is that of influenza A type H3N2.

This virus is a variant of influenza type A that causes seasonal epidemics and has symptoms similar to the common flu. However, its complications can lead to death by causing serious respiratory illnesses.

Responsible in 1968 for the deaths of more than 4 million people

Health measures have been put in place because this virus can lead to a pandemic quite quickly due to its rapid transmission between people. This variant of the virus originally comes from pigs. In 1968, it was detected in Hong Kong and caused the deaths of more than four million people in this Asian region.

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