A new quay under construction for the Hydromer dredger in the port of Sète
|La drague Hydromer arrivée à Sète a besoin d’un nouveau quai de stationnement. Philippe Malric
Une nouvelle zone d’amarrage pour la drague Hydromer bientôt en construction au dock Richelieu de Sète.
The Region's new dredging vessel, powered by electric power, named Hydromer, arrived in Sète last March. This 70 m long vessel, which can transport 1,500 m3 of sediment, requires a new docking quay.
A 15-metre zone prohibited to navigation
Construction work dedicated to its mooring will begin on Monday 16 September for a period of five months. The construction site, which will be installed on the Richelieu quay, will mobilize three port works machines in a 15 m wide zone south of the Richelieu dock, a sector in which all navigation will be prohibited.
The departmental directorate of territories and the sea also recommends navigating with caution and prudence in the Old Basin near the sector.
Work will begin on September 16 at the Richelieu quay. DR