A Nîmes feria under the best auspices, a local elected official returning from Ukraine, employment in Lozère: the essential news in the region

A Nîmes feria under the best auspices, a local elected official returning from Ukraine, employment in Lozère: the essential news in the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l’essentiel de l’actualité sur midilibre.fr

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

Fréquentation : Simon Casas optimiste avant la feria

#NÎMES. Simon Casas, boss of the Nîmes arenas received Midi Libre in Madrid a few days before the feria de Pentecost. A new edition which promises to be good in terms of attendance. "There is a revival of enthusiasm as we have seen in Valencia and Seville. In Madrid, we are breaking records for ticket sales.

In Nîmes, there is a very strong increase in reservations. We will fill the arenas three times with the return of Ponce, the bullfight of Castella and Roca Rey, and the rejon with Lea Vicens and Diego Ventura. Reservations for the other two bullfights are also excellent and are up 129% for the closing bullfight and 132% for the other. We are in a moment of grace for bullfighting."

The number of the day: 3 670

#LOZÈRE. Companies in the department have declared 3 670 hiring projects in 2024. 31& ;nbsp;% of establishments are looking for workers in sectors as varied as personal services, accommodation and catering, commerce…

A figure up 1.5% compared to last year. Small structures, with fewer than ten employees, account for 63% of recruitment projects in the region, or 2,330 offers.

A regional advisor returning from kyiv

#SÈTE. Sébastien Denaja, Sète regional councilor, participated in the International Summit of Cities and Regions on May 9 in kyiv. He returns marked by experience. "We have seen the scars of war. In kyiv, there is the army, but it is a living city. You see soldiers who kiss their wives and go to the front. There is relative peace. We went to the village of Moshchun, the site of an intense battle in March 2022. It’was a highlight."

Ukraine is also showing signs of reconstruction. "It’is a brave, solid country, with people still standing, who face a extremely harsh reality." The summit allowed elected officials to hear the Ukrainian president. "He recalled that the time is as crucial for Europe as it was at the very beginning of the modern project of a united and peaceful Europe. Zelensky repeated why Ukraine has its place in the EU. Ukrainians have a deep love for Europe. They defend our democratic and peaceful model."

He disappears while bathing

#ARIÈGE. A young 20-year-old from Ariégeois disappeared at sea on Thursday May 9 in the early morning while he was swimming in the Bay of Roses with a friend. Both men found themselves in trouble. One of them called a passing boat for help and was able to be picked up on board by the occupants of the boat while Thibaut remained untraceable.

Catalan emergency services set up a search system and found his belongings on the beach. According to the Independent, this Sunday, shortly after noon, they discovered a body stuck ten meters deep near the fish breeding area. Examinations are underway to identify him and possibly confirm that it is indeed the young rugby player from Ariège.

Top students

#BÉZIERS. Students from the Cime Art school, specializing in animated cinema and video games, placed first and third during the Game Jam Studio M 2024. This is the second consecutive year that Béziers students shine in this video game creation competition.

The game to have obtained first place is Elementum, where we play a slime (slimy creature typical of the classic video game bestiary) who will face the elements in a succession of levels with increasing difficulty .

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