A rich and varied program for the 360° adventure festival in Millau

A rich and varied program for the 360° adventure festival in Millau

Image tirée du film Airkarakoram ou comment utiliser le parapente en Himalaya comme un téléphérique… Capture d'écran

Du 7 au 10 février, les belles histoires d'aventures s'afficheront en grand dans les salles obscures de Millau.

The 360° adventure follows the evolution of a plant. A small seed was planted in fertile soil, soaked in the stories of athletes on every street corner, all at their levels. These locals, passionate about beautiful stories in the mountains, underground, at sea, allowed this seed to take hold so that the pretty plant would grow. Enough to give motivation to the volunteer team of the Grand Causses Sports Association, which manages all these little people, from February 7 to 10.

This year, she is offering an even more accomplished version of her event which manages to lock lovers of the great outdoors into a dark room. For its fourth edition, 14 films will be screened, seven adventurers will be present in Millau to talk about their cinematographic work but above all about what they experienced on their favorite terrain.

A day dedicated to the Himalayas

In this vintage, expertly selected from the fifty films received by the organization, Everest Invaders which will be the theme of the day on Saturday. To talk about it, who better than Jean-Michel Jorda, an expert on the event (he was present in 2020, Editor's note). He will present Everest Invaders, a film which bears witness to the pollution of the Himalayas. "Reinhold Messner, the first to have climbed the 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters without oxygen, notices that the mountains transform before our eyes into an immense sports field. Mountaineering would have become a consumer good like any other", presents the director. The broadcast in Millau will be a first in France. "Around his film, there will be an exhibition and a conference on the subject of tourism pollution", adds Marion Bargès, member of the organizing team . Exit the Millau cinema, the nerve center of the festival and go to the Maison de la Région for the photo exhibition Regards towards the peaks. It will be exhibited from February 5 and the opening will take place on the 10th, at 3:30 p.m.

From the sea to the mountains

In addition to Saturday focusing on the Asian mountains of the Himalayas, the festival once again covers a whole host of universes. Spectators will be able to take to the sea with Kahuna, an adventure in the Arctic, at sea, to find the most beautiful slopes to ski, particularly those of Svalbard, the northernmost of our planet (broadcast Thursday February 8). In the air, Airkarakoram offers beautiful images of paragliding in the Himalayas "for fun, mountaineering or skiing" for a group of 7 friends who traveled around Pakistan, returning with nice shots broadcast on the big screen Friday February 9. On land, Mattieu Marlin and Damien Calvet load the public into their saddlebags, firmly attached to their gravel for a journey from Nice to… Singapore! That's 365 days of pedaling, 20,000 km that they recount in Sunriders. 

All these films, broadcast from Wednesday to Friday, will be submitted to the vote of the jury composed of Mathilde De Flamesnil, journalist at France 3 Occitanie, Loïc Blanchard, founder of the podcast Les Frappés and Jérémy Vaugeois, adventurous comer present in Millau Alaska Patagonia with Sophie Palanque. Connoisseurs of films and the great outdoors. On Saturday, the winners will all be broadcast to close the event.

The festival ticket office is open online on the organization's website. 

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