A staggered tourist season at Lac du Salagou

A staggered tourist season at Lac du Salagou

Le Lac du Salagou, lieu de tourisme phare du cœur d’Hérault. Midi Libre – Marco Cunill

Moins de monde en juillet que les années précédentes. Au lac du Salagou, la saison semble davantage décalée que mauvaise pour les professionnels du tourisme.

Our season started quite late, we didn't have that many people at the beginning,” says Inès Akroud, assistant manager at the Lac du Salagou campsite. While the site saw its lowest attendance since 2015 in 2023, with 295,000 visitors, the timid start to the 2024 season does not seem to herald higher numbers.

If organizations like the Clermontais tourist office do not wish to disclose figures before the end of the season, the general feeling is that of a weak season. However, many tourists are expected in August and September, as the tourist season seems to be a little delayed.

A sought-after tourist balance

The low attendance at the start of the season at Lake Salagou is not inevitable and can, to a lesser extent, be sought after, as explained by Cécile Olive, director of the mixed union Grand site Salagou – Cirque de Mourèze: "The tourist model around Lake Salagou is quite specific. The objective is to have the right balance between attendance and preservation of the site. It’s a tourist place for families, it has to be pleasant, not overcrowded."

This sought-after tourist balance is closely linked to the fact that Salagou has officially been a Grand Site de France since this year. And, as specified by the Grands sites de France network, "the award of the label is subject to the implementation of a project for the preservation, management and enhancement of the site, meeting the principles of sustainable development."

A staggered tourist season at Lac du Salagou

Patrouille Lac du Salagou Midi Libre – Grand site Salagou – cirque de Mourèze
The reasons for this delay in tourists could be various, as Inès Akroud from the Lac du Salagou campsite says: “We think that there could be several potential factors for this delay. The weather on the one hand, which was not good at the start of the season. On the other hand, we are a family campsite and the rather late results of the brevet des collèges and the baccalaureate could also have played a role. The various elections could also have kept people at home and forced them to leave for their holidays later. Finally, with the Olympic Games in Paris, many people went to the capital. But all these factors are just guesses." 

If attendance is not impacted in the same way, the observation is identical for catering. The restaurant, guinguette, La Terrasse Salagou, located on the Clermont side of the river, deplores "low activity, mainly due to bad weather.", despite a higher attendance of locals.

No worries for the end of the season

Far from being worried about the rest of the season, tourism professionals are counting on a busy August and a record September.

Inès Akroud, thus declares : "We have a very good month of August in perspective, with many more bookings than usual. Normally from August 15th, there is a big drop in attendance, this year it will not be the case, on the contrary. September will be very busy too." She adds: “This year we are seeing a lot of last-minute bookings, so it could even be”more than expected.”

Questions to Bernard Coste, Mayor of Octon: “Some are concerned”

Bernard Coste, Mayor of Octon and responsible for tourism and outdoor activities at the Clermontais community of communes, shares his concerns about the drop in the number of tourists but remains optimistic for the end of the season.

What is your impression of the start of the tourist season? ?

The impression is that July was very light. To be honest, I was a little worried because we saw a significant drop in activity, maybe 30% around the lake.

Have you had the opportunity to talk about it with tourism stakeholders ?

Yes, whether in Octon or throughout Clermontais, tourism stakeholders have suffered this drop in activity. Some are concerned but no one has complained.

Everyone sees the same drop in activity ?

No, it really depends on the clientele. Example: in Octon, the guinguette of the nautical relay did well in July, but that's because the clientele is local, not really tourists. Conversely, it is certain that the campsites have been more affected.

How do you see the end of the season ?

For the end of the season, we are very optimistic, there will be people, we know it. Even if in Salagou, we like tourism to be controlled, in order to preserve this beautiful site

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