A streaming subscription to pay less for your shopping ? The surprising partnership of Netflix and Carrefour

A streaming subscription to pay less for your shopping ? The surprising partnership of Netflix and Carrefour

L'offre “Carrefour Plus” est disponible pour 5,99 euros par mois et sans engagement. ILLUSTRATION MAXPPP

Carrefour and Netflix are joining forces in an unprecedented partnership to offer their customers an offer of 5.99 euros including a subscription with advertisements to the streaming platform as well as a 10% reduction on all the brands' products Crossroads. 

What if watching your favorite films and series allowed you to save… on your groceries? This is the idea proposed by the ;#39;mass retail brand Carrefour and the American streaming platform Netfix who are joining forces in a partnership that is as surprising as it is innovative. 

As reported by our colleagues from 20 Minutes, the partnership offer called "Carrefour Plus" includes a Netflix subscription with advertising, coupled with promotions in Carrefour stores.

No compromise between entertainment and food

"For 5.99 euros per month and without commitment, customers simultaneously benefit from a 10 % reduction on all Carrefour  brand products ;and a Netflix Standard subscription with advertising, indicates the joint press release from the two companies.

The in-store reductions concern "more than 6 000 everyday, food or hygiene-beauty products from Carrefour brands", specifies the distributor. "This reflects our desire to create preference for Carrefour (…) With the Carrefour Plus program, we want to help our customers not to make compromises between entertainment and food", specifies the direction of the group. 

For now, only residents of Bordeaux and Rouen – the two pilot cities – can take advantage of this offer, in which around a hundred Carrefour stores are participating. Depending on the success of the operation, Netflix and Carrefour aim to extend the offer throughout France. Thanks to this partnership, we hope to make our series, films and games even more accessible to new audiences,” underlines Laurent Uguen, commercial director at Netflix. 

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