A symbolic raising of colors at the Saint-Gérard de Lunel cemetery
|A ceremony full of emotion and a reminder of the duty of memory and respect.
Stéphane Alibert, adjoint à la sécurité et à la prévention, représentait le maire.
Middle school students from Mistral took part in this raising of colors.
Recalling values and denouncing the incident of the recent disappearance of the flag from the military square, quickly restored by the municipality, the municipal police and the fighting world, these were the reasons for the symbolic lifting of the colors which was held Monday January 22 at the Saint-Gérard cemetery.
Emotion, duty of memory and respect
A ceremony full of emotion, duty of memory and respect which many elected officials attended.
In his speech, Stéphane Alibert, 5th deputy for security and prevention who represented Mayor Pierre Soujol, underlined Lunel's attachment to republican values.
The symbolic rise of colors by young people from the Frédéric-Mistral college recalled the importance of the national flag as a symbol of unity, fraternity and solidarity.