A tsunami on the Mediterranean coasts within 30 years ? A probability “close to 100%” according to a study

A tsunami on the Mediterranean coasts within 30 years ? A probability “close to 100%” according to a study

Un tsunami pourrait surgir en Méditerranée dans les 30 prochaines années. MAXPPP – Sylvain Rostaing/Le Pictorium

Selon une étude, la côte méditerranéenne pourrait devenir fortement vulnérable aux tsunamis dans les prochaines années.

What if a tsunami were to destroy the Mediterranean coasts in the coming years ? According to a study by Probabilistic Tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea, published in the journal Pure Geophysics and applied, and spotted by our colleagues from L’Indépendant, the probability is close to 100 % d& rsquo;here 30 years.

Waves six meters high

The south of Spain, from Valencia to Malaga, via the Balearic Islands, is undoubtedly likely to be the most affected region. Still among our Spanish neighbors, the Atlantic coast is also exposed to very heavy damage due to the Averroes marine fault, located in the Alboran Sea , which could generate waves six meters high that could reach the Spanish coast in just over 20 minutes.

The Intergovernmental Ocean Commission, cited by L’Indépendant, is campaigning to urgently establish a system of ;rsquo;tsunami warning in the region. If the tsunami in question is powerful enough, it can cross the ocean basin and reach the most distant coasts, as was the case case in 2004 in the Indian Ocean where waves first submerged the island of Sumatra before hitting Brazil 22 hours later.

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