“Abject”: the left is outraged after the tribute of LFI MP Sophia Chikirou to Hamas leader Ismaël Haniyeh
|Les propos de Sophia Chikirou font polémique. MAXPPP – Vincent Isore
Several socialist leaders were outraged by a message from LFI MP close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Sophia Chikirou, relaying on her personal Instagram account a tribute to Hamas leader Ismaël Haniyeh, killed Wednesday in Tehran in a strike attributed to Israel.
The program of the new Popular Front "is clear", estimated on X the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure, referring the rebellious MP to "provocations that only serve to stir up controversy that undermines collective work" and comments which "are not binding on her".
Nécessaire mise au point de @ChloeRidel.
Aucune ambiguïté possible. Le programme du #NouveauFrontPopulaire est très clair. @chikirouparis n’engage qu’elle même par ses provocations qui ont pour seul effet de susciter des polémiques qui minent le travail collectif. https://t.co/RK9aHve6wa— Olivier Faure (@faureolivier) August 2, 2024
A contested tribute
The socialist president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, who has broken with LFI, also expressed her indignation on the social network. “Abject”, she wrote, seeing it as an “apology for terrorism” and a "mouthpiece of Jew hatred".
En relayant les hommages au chef du Hamas, la députée @chikirouparis fait l’apologie du terrorisme et le porte-voix de la haine des juifs.
Le contrat et les engagements du #NouveauFrontPopulaire sont une fois de plus piétinés et les valeurs socialistes sont bafouées. https://t.co/KMt9eykSqI
— Carole Delga (@CaroleDelga) August 2, 2024
She regretted that the "NFP contracts and commitments", an electoral alliance which allowed the four left-wing parties PS, LFI, PCF and Ecologists to come first in the legislative elections, without an absolute majority however, being once again " trampled" and socialist values "trampled".
Screenshots of the personal Instagram account of the LFI MP from Paris were published on ;#39;originally by the organization Urgence Palestine.
This tribute "should banish her from political life. This form of complacency, recurring in his party, must have no place in our Republic", the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra) reacted on Saturday , announcing to seize its legal commission.
The Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) also announced in a press release the filing of a complaint for "apology of terrorism".
Ça suffit. Le Hamas est une organisation terroriste. Rendre hommage à son dirigeant comme le fait @chikirouparis est abject et contraire aux valeurs du #NFP.
Pour ma part je ne travaillerai pas avec des élus, un parti qui cautionnent ou refusent de condamner de telles positions. https://t.co/yITAjZl9t3— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR) August 2, 2024
"I will not work with elected officials, a party who endorse or refuse to condemn such positions", a declared for his part the socialist mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, openly opposed since 2022 to an alliance of his party with that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.