Addiction support groups will be launched from September 26 at Sète hospital

Addiction support groups will be launched from September 26 at Sète hospital

La réunion du premier groupe de parole est programmée le jeudi 26 septembre, à l’hôpital Saint-Clair. Midi Libre – Patrice Espinasse

Starting September 26, the Entr’Actes will welcome and support people with addictions in discussion groups every fourth Thursday of each month, at the Saint-Clair hospital in Sète.

They will be called the Entr’Actes. Starting Thursday, September 26, the addiction unit at Saint-Clair Hospital, under the responsibility of Dr. Danielle Teuma, is creating discussion groups to support people facing addictions. Transcent community is also open to people already being treated, but also to newcomers living in the Sète area. And are aimed at any adult having difficulties with their addictive behavior, regardless of their care and life path.

Support and sharing of experience

The discussion groups will meet every fourth Thursday of the month, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., until June 2025, in a dedicated room. The goal is “to offer a moment of expression, exchange, support and sharing of experience to people living with addictions”.

These monthly Entr’Actes will be led by professionals from the addiction unit including a psychologist. “Everyone can find or create a unique response corresponding to their life path and history. All the themes covered throughout the year constitute a progressive path in addiction”, specifies the unit.

Information:; registration: via online appointment booking on the hospital website (, or on Doctolib. Addiction follow-up is not necessary.

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