After the crisis, the truth interview between twenty farmers from Occitanie and Minister Marc Fesneau

After the crisis, the truth interview between twenty farmers from Occitanie and Minister Marc Fesneau

Le ministre de l'Agriculture reçu à Midi Libre vendredi pour répondre aux questions des agriculteurs. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

Le ministre de l'Agriculture a rencontre vingt agriculteurs d'Occitanie ce vendredi 2 février au siège de Midi Libre.

Twenty farmers, representing all sectors of the sector, all from the Occitanie region, were able to discuss with Marc Fesneau, this Friday, February 2, at the editorial office of Midi Libre, in Saint-Jean-de-Védas. To address all current issues resulting from the farmers' movement.

European standards, competition, simplification

Marie Levaux, president of the Fleur de France association, horticulturist, was the first, on Friday, to speak out against "the standards, this mille-feuille which we prevents". She was not the only one, almost each of the minister's interlocutors recounted a personal experience confronting them with administrative labyrinths which can seem inextricable.

And the two parties come together to call on each for more "simplification". "We need more simplification, we must take advantage of the moment" the minister repeated several times. On the Common Agricultural Policy for example: "We need to think about something that makes the payment legible, and what you are paid on, when it arrives in the account. There is too much complexity with the CAP. We opened the hood, we need to look in the engine. There's something that doesn't work" agreed Marc Fesneau.

Rémi Dumas, wine grower and sheep breeder in Hérault, also national vice-president of Young Farmers, spoke on the end of over-transpositions on phytosanitary products in agriculture, asking the minister if this was going to be retroactive , or are we still washing whiter than white in France ?"

And Marc Fesneau responds: "Everything that was banned in France ended up also being banned throughout Europe. That still means that we weren't saying anything…hellip; I want to make with you a precise listing of the actual transpositions. In fact, in most cases, these are approvals which are no longer requested by companies, either at European level or in the Member States. The real overtransposition that remains is the uncoated neonicotinoids. Glyphosate ? We found a reduction path of 20 to 30%."

And the Minister of Agriculture affirmed his credo: “We must find  alternatives to the most dangerous pesticides, let’do it together at European level and, let’ rsquo;we stop overtransposing, but we won't go back, I don't want to get into this debate. This is not good for you, nor for certain public health issues or the environment." 

David Drilles, wine grower in the Pyrénées-Orientales, spoke on the question of borders, market disruptions, and "foreign products for which France remains an El Dorado. They arrive with products that are less expensive, sometimes attractive taxes, they pay lower wages, so, immediately, the distortion of competition occurs."

Marc Fesneau agreed: "There are distortions”. Before however adding: "But if we start to say that we do not want to trade with countries which do not have the same salary levels, then no more Africa, no more rsquo;Asia, South America. We have the highest minimum wage in Europe and that’s a good thing… But there are blatant distortions with products banned in the Union
European… There, we need more controls. In fact, we have European rules, and, afterward, each country has its own police force. We would do better to have a European police force that does what is necessary, everywhere, so that everyone is treated the same way. We will fight for its implementation."

Standard of living and remuneration

" We must not be caricatured, not everyone has the same needs in France. The subject is remuneration, that we enforce Egalim, that we integrate more sectors, that we ensure that there are prices, to have income, and not state subsidies. Otherwise we enter a system where we have to invest tens of billions of euros to compensate for a market which does not
does not pay its farmers. But we have a remuneration problem in a certain number of professions in the agricultural sectors, yes." 

Thus the Minister of Agriculture opened his remarks to the farmers in response to a question from Emilie Dequiedt, sheep breeder and spokesperson for the Hérault Peasant Confederation. She immediately placed the debate on the question of income.

And Marc Fesneau, without avoiding it, but putting it from the point of view of consumer responsibility: "We need to lead a debate together on the value we give to things& ;quot; he asked again. Brandishing his cell phone: "That should have less value than food. And it’s a fight that we can share. Nobody knows the inflation on these products. It’s almost 40%, and there is not a single debate in public opinion. On the other hand, the price of pasta… So there is a need for a debate, including with mass distribution. People constantly say, the right price in agriculture is the lowest, that's what's wrong.

And to Marie Durand-Hulak, winegrower, in particular, who had confided to the minister "I want to make a living from my profession, I want prices, not bonuses, no subsidies", Marc Fesneau replied: &quot ;Remuneration is the difference between cost and price. We need to work on the cost, to try to limit the cost burden on your various activities, this is the modernization that we can have on a certain number of tools. And then there is the question of price. If you sell directly for certain activities, this shows that this model has an interest. Can this be done for all agriculture ? No. But direct contact with the   consumers shows that the question of price arises differently when you have this direct contact and that it does not go through mass distribution. So there is something to rebuild with mass distribution, of the same nature. People are demanding accountability from those who distribute or transform: where is my producer's remuneration? The moment we are living in will allow us to advance these subjects…"

On these subjects, Marc Fesneau finished by indicating a timetable for emergency aid: "For epizootic hemorrhagic disease, it is being put in place, the box office opens on February 5. For viticulture and non-road diesel, it will also be in February. 2024 eh! "

Water at the heart of concerns

Many agricultural subjects have inexorably returned to the essential question which transcends all others: that of water. Or more precisely the lack of water. Philippe Boisson, president of the Cévennes sweet onion cooperative, opened the ball by regretting a subject that was too dogmatic and files that were "too technical" to allow for the creation of restraints.

Marc Fesneau has shown himself open to moving this issue forward legally and taking advantage of the geology of the territories. And asked the question without taboo: "The water law dates from 1992, at a time when climate change was not as significant as it is today. We must better integrate climate change into our water policy ?" he asked, answering a little to the question he asked himself . All the more, says the minister that he is in phase with the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu to reflect on this crucial question. 

In any case, the Minister of Agriculture assured that it was necessary to be able to store the water that falls in the rain. winter in one way or another to be able to use it in summer when it is gone. You are well placed here to know that sometimes too much falls out and then there is not enough. The audience agrees.

The mayor of Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues, Yvon Pellet, who is leading three projects in Hérault "and which do not pump into the water table nor divert water courses"  regrets being confronted with  laquo; to standards, constraints, excavations, a little creature that lives here or there and which will move if we make a reservoir, or even Natura 2000…". And which requires simplifying to go quickly.

"Young people tell me that if they don’have no water within two or three years, they will die", emphasizes the chosen one. "The Department is there
good scale, replies the minister. It will also reassure the general public to know that project management is carried out by the department. Particularly on the question of resource grabbing. 

But the minister also asks that files be duly submitted to the prefecture. He recognizes that “regulatory simplification is essential” and that work is underway. "We sometimes have “zinzin” particularly on cleaning".

But the minister also proposes that the rules be clear and prevent exemptions from becoming the rule. Yvon Pellet responds by also asking to purge the appeals more quickly by asking Minister Dupond-Moretti to "dust off justice

Catalan winegrower David Drilles was ideally suited to return to the subject of water shortage, in a region severely impacted by drought. And remember that a hill reservoir project could obtain prefectural work authorization within 4 months, even though we have been fighting for it for eight years. We spent 500,000 € to study. We're holding a demonstration, and it's the prefect of the P.-O. who announces it, he whispers.

If he defends agents against unfair attacks, Marc Fesneau recognizes that we have allowed "certain practices of overadministration to sediment for years… What we also call a general inertia of the system.

The minister recognizes that "the agencyization of the State is tragic because it crumbles the decision". And emphasizes that "if this can be unlocked in four months, it means that the project was good". And the minister concluded on the thorny question: "All projects allowing farmers to develop without drawing on the resource, I am in favor". The prefects and relevant services should have work in the coming weeks…

Viticulture, breeding, shellfish farming 

Lots of announcements of substantial emergency fund aid for the sectors Marc Fesneau has arrived in much less hostile land. With 80 M€ of emergency funds for viticulture and 150 M€ additional over two years for deferred grubbing, the wine growers present in front of the minister readily admitted progress. Although there are still unanswered questions.

It was Raymond Llorens, cooperator winegrower and administrator of Cuma du Gard and Hérault who asked whether additional efforts would concern cooperators in a crisis which is hitting cooperatives. The minister recalled the 200 M€ dedicated to distillation, economic aid, but recognizes "a subject on coop cellars. We will continue to work on it, but these are complex devices.

Particularly on "private storage", which allows remuneration while waiting for the sale of the wine. The minister, however, recalled the "400 M€ for the restructuring of the vineyard. Aid which will make it possible to diversify the offer or reorient production.  "What matters to me is that there are farmers in the territory".

Brigitte Singla, sheep breeder and president of the sheep industry commission, also recognized that the aid of 150 M€ for the sector  "were satisfactory", like the announcements on GNR or cell-based meat. But she was concerned about the place left to the "small ruminants" industry which has lost two-thirds of its livestock in France in 40 years.

Marc Fesneau insisted that we needed to work "on the competitiveness of the sheep industry when we know that 50  % of French demand is not covered by national production. Sweeping away the New Zealand and Chilean competition. The minister promised to review those responsible to go further.

Marc Fesneau also had a word on the shellfish industry by responding to the concerns of Patrice Lafont, president of the Mediterranean Regional Shellfish Farming Committee. As well as those of Patrick Laurent who came to defend the difficulties of the manadiers in a land of traditions that the minister was keen to support.

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