Agde: Beaten at home, Racing's bad start

Agde: Beaten at home, Racing's bad start

Agde: Beaten at home, Racing's bad start

LesHéraultais ont manqué leur entrée en matière face aux Corses de Lucciana, samedi après-midi. MIDI LIBRE – A.T.

In group J of National 3, Agde did not worry Lucciana, Saturday, at home, during the first day of the championship.


Stade Louis Sanguin.
Half-time: 0 -1.
Referee : M. Petigny.
Goals for Lucciana : Robic (16th), Saffour (61st).
Warning to Agde : Darmon.
AGDE: Ligali, Gueye, El Hamzaoui, Taillan, Darmon, Cornélie, Ait Hamid, Cucchiara, Sairafy, Mazgouti, Marasovic.
LUCCIANA: Menozzi, Tournier, Caldeirinha, Piercecchi, Sonnerat, Brunet, Vivaldi, Saffour, Robic, Schuster, Cinquini.

Surprising home defeat for the first of Agde. However, they were hosting Lucciana, a team that usually plays to stay up. But the locals came up against a Corsican block that played on the counterattack without much inspiration. Apart from El Hamzaoui, his teammates were lacking in physical investment. As if they were suffering from the heat, although it was there for both teams. In short, a copy that the technical staff will have to look into. The recruits were up to the standard of the collective and the base of the usual players did not provide any solution to this match.
Except for the substitutes who breathed a semblance of hope, but not enough to hope for more. The absence of former players like Boufrizi or Ben Brahim is glaring given the circumstances.

Lack of revolt

The 2024-2025 season started badly, but the Agathois dominated Saturday's match during the first quarter of an hour. And intermittently after that. But Robic, the Corsican nine, took advantage of an imprecise defensive system to shower the Héraultais from the 16th minute. The rest was hardly more prosperous. Lucciana managed the offensive inclinations of the locals with a certain ease. Worse, they narrowly missed the 0-2 before the break.
On returning from the locker room, the Agathois revolt was long in coming. The game continued under similar auspices. The same causes gave rise to the same effects. In the quarter of an hour of the second half, Saffour hammered the nail in for the Corsicans (0-2, 61st). They lost a little vigor but managed their lead against the RCOA who did not manage to destabilize a team that was nevertheless “capturable”.

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