Agde: “everything changes, so that nothing changes” declares Gilles D’Ettore during his wishes to the population

Agde: “everything changes, so that nothing changes” declares Gilles D’Ettore during his wishes to the population

More than 1,200 people attended this ceremony of greetings to the population; FREE MIDI – MICHEL DESNOS

Agde: “everything changes, so that nothing changes” declares Gilles D’Ettore during his wishes to the population

Municipal elected officials and officials took the stage to sing “La Marseillaise”. FREE MIDI – MICHEL DESNOS

Agde: “everything changes, so that nothing changes” declares Gilles D’Ettore during his wishes to the population

Durant 45 minutes, Gilles D'Ettore a présenté une trentaine de projets pour la ville. MIDI LIBRE – MICHEL DESNOS

Plus de 1 200 personnes ont assisté jeudi soir, au palais des Congrès, à la prise de parole du maire d’Agde. Près d'une trentaine de projets ont ainsi et présentés au public.

A five-minute video projected on the big screen of the Palais des Congrès, around thirty projects presented to the audience and Gilles D’Ettore alone on stage for almost 45 minutes, joined at the very end of the speech by his municipal team and officials present in the room to sing "La Marseillaise" : the wish ceremonies follow one another and are similar for the mayor of Agde, but the “wow” on spectators, early supporters or newly installed Agathois, still works.

A more rigid framework for urban planning

Without notes as usual, he projected himself into the future of the city, with a guideline: "Everything changes, so that nothing changes", formulates taken from the novel "The Leopard", by the Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, made famous by Visconti in his eponymous film, as if to reassure those who would feel rushed by such a display of projects. Projects "that we need to carry with you, to guarantee quality of life, tourist attractiveness", launched Gilles D’Ettore.

This was also the meaning of this presentation: "Agde has deep roots, but must also modernize, encourage investments", added the mayor, who highlighted the upcoming revision of the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU) to set a framework in this area and thus protect the urban forms of the different sectors of Agde. That is to say no construction of buildings in residential areas (like in Grau d’Agde for example). There is only on the main roads – like the road to Sète – where they will be permitted, but not more than two stories high with attic."

The historic center at the heart of the actions

Change everything so that nothing changes, the formula also applies to the historic center, "which must remain the heart of our commune", insisted the mayor, who listed the works "on the Promenade, the upcoming construction of an underground car park under the esplanade and the renovation of 400 housing units", the footbridge linking the city center and the Laurens castle as well as the requalification of the station into a multimodal exchange hub, "pushing the heart of the city towards the Canal du Midi."

The heart of the city again, with the announcement of the upcoming installation of around twenty traders in rue Muratet, an additional ten being hoped for on the Promenade, once the work completed.

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