Agde/Sète: Sébastien Frey elected co-president of the economic agency Blue Invest
|Sébastien Frey, nommé co-président de l’agence Blue. MIDI LIBRE – MICHEL DESNOS
Le nouveau maire d'Agde et président de la communuaté d'agglomération Hérault Méditerranée siège désormais aux côtés de son homologue sétois François Commeinhes.
This week was also the start of the board of directors of Blue Invest, the economic attractiveness agency common to the territories of Agde and Sète. On the agenda, the replacement within the CA of Gilles D’Ettore, the former mayor of Agde and president of the Hérault-Méditerranée agglomeration, who resigned from his elective functions before the summer while he was incarcerated in the Béziers remand center, in the context of the so-called clairvoyant affair.
A two-headed presidency
Logically, it was the new mayor of Agde and president of the Agglo Sébastien Frey who was elected to co-presidency of the economic development agency, alongside François Commeinhes, mayor of Sète and president of Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée. A two-headed presidency, completed at the governance level by the mayor of Vias Jordan Dartier, as well as two business leaders, Jérôme Cavailles (Loïs Holding) and Éric Causse (Greensea).
A full board of directors
The Blue Invest steering committee is now composed as follows: François Commeinhes, Michel Arrouy, Jean-Guy Majourel and Florence Sanchez for the founding members from Sète Agglopôle, Sébastien Frey, Armand Rivière, Jordan Dartier and Véronique Rey for those from Hérault-Méditerranée. The associate members are Katy Garcias and Olivier Ganivenq for the CCI of Hérault, Sébastien Denaja and Christian Assaf for the Region. The college of qualified legal entities includes the port of Sète – Sud de France (Olivier Carmes), the Cap d’Agde Méditerranée tourist office (Christian Bezes) and the mixed syndicate of the Thau basin (Yves Michel). For the college of businesses, the company Hexis (Caroline Mateu, vice-president), Loïs Holding (Jérôme Cavailles, vice-president) and Greensea (Éric Causse).
The Entrepreneurs Club at Cap d'Agde
In its press release, Blue Invest announces that it will launch a new campaign in a few days to promote the economic destination Sète – Cap d’Agde Méditerranée and will actively pursue the instruction and implementation of several major business establishment projects in its territory." The agency also adds that "on the Entrepreneurs Club side, a major evening on the development of the Sports Health sector will be held on November 13 at Cap d’Agde."
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