An anti-Semitic inscription discovered against the wall of a church in a Gard village, parishioners in shock

An anti-Semitic inscription discovered against the wall of a church in a Gard village, parishioners in shock

Les inscriptions ont été peintes contre le mur du presbytère. Midi Libre – DR

Anti-Semitic inscriptions undoubtedly painted during the night of Saturday January 13 to Sunday January 14 were discovered against the wall of the church of Saint-Christol-lez-Alès, in the Gard.

Amazement and dismay in Saint-Christol upon the discovery of an anti-Semitic inscription against the wall of the presbytery. The parishioners who came for mass were particularly shocked.

The mayor files a complaint

Alert, the mayor of the commune Jean-Charles Benezet undertook to quickly remove the Nazi cross (painted upside down) and the inscriptions probably painted during the night of Saturday see you Sunday.

"As of Monday morning, I will file a complaint, assures the elected official. This type of message is unacceptable and scandalous. This is a heinous act. I condemn it with the greatest firmness. I have a sincere thought for all those who were hurt by seeing the expression of anti-Semitism on our walls."

An investigation should be opened and technical investigations carried out in order to find the author(s) of these inscriptions.

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