“An inappropriate relationship with an adult woman” whom he himself had married: the priest had an adulterous affair, he resigns
|Le curé a présenté sa démission après avoir entretenu une liaison avec une femme mariée. Illustration Envato
Les paroissiens de Brignoles, dans le Var, ont appris dimanche 1er septembre la démission du curé de leur paroisse. Celui-ci a démissionné car il avait une relation avec une femme qu’il avait lui-même mariée.
“He lived in flagrant contradiction with his commitments, in particular that of celibacy”, indicated the vicar general, reading a text from the coadjutor bishop of the diocese of Fréjus Toulon.
The priest of the parish of Brignoles, in the Var, resigned, due to a relationship he had with a woman he himself had married, indicates BFM, citing information from Var Matin.
“A real shock”
“Father Gerson was having an inappropriate relationship with a married adult woman. I learned about it a few days ago. It was a real shock. I have a certain feeling of betrayal”, the vicar shared with his faithful.
“Even if we raise the question of celibacy, we do not leave with a married woman. We do not lead a double life. “It's like a person who learns of an infidelity”, he lamented.
After the resignation of the priest, which has provoked many reactions, it remains to be seen whether he will be able to keep a function within the Catholic Church. The interim in the meantime, is assured in his parish.