Anger of farmers: the farmers' movement continues in Pont-Saint-Esprit

Anger of farmers: the farmers' movement continues in Pont-Saint-Esprit

At the entrance to the Provenc' halle supermarket on avenue du Général-de-Gaulle in Pont-Saint-Esprit. M.T.

Anger of farmers: the farmers' movement continues in Pont-Saint-Esprit

The farmers closed the entrance to the city's South Gate towards the city center on Avenue du Général-de-Gaulle with rubble and branches. M.T.

Wednesday January 31, the farmers' movement continues in Pont-Saint-Esprit. 

The mobilization of farmers continues on Wednesday January 31. In Pont-Saint-Esprit, branches and rubble were thrown onto the road and in front of a convenience store. 

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