Angry Gard tobacconists announce a shock operation Thursday February 15 between Alès and Nîmes

Angry Gard tobacconists announce a shock operation Thursday February 15 between Alès and Nîmes

Après l'action à la frontière espagnole, les buralistes gardois annoncent une opération escargot jeudi 15 février.

Après avoir manifesté à la frontière espagnole jeudi 1er février, la Chambre syndicale des buralistes du Gard prévoit une autre action jeudi 15 février avec une opération escargot entre Alès et Nîmes.

The Gard tobacconists' union chamber will mobilize on Thursday February 15, two weeks after participating in a demonstration at the Spanish border, during a snail operation from Alès to Nîmes, in particular to denounce the differences in taxes on cigarette packets between France and neighboring countries.

Member of the office of the Chambre syndicale des tobacconists du Gard, Vincent Garcia from Nîmes shares the feeling of many of his colleagues: " We are powerless and subject to the good will of the State. Our businesses have diversified their activities with electronic cigarettes, packages, PMU, toys, various products. We are not here to advocate tobacco but to denounce the differences in taxes.

Thus, in Spain, a pack of cigarettes costs €5.50, or seven euros less than that sold in France. Gard tobacconists actually want European harmonization in terms of taxes, a stop in price increases and point the finger at certain grocery stores suspected of illegally selling contraband tobacco.

Departure from the Cora car park in Alès

During the snail operation, the tobacconists also planned to pass and honk their horns in the streets of Beaucaire and Vincent Faïta "there where there are the most of these grocery stores". The demonstrators, who will be more than forty, will leave Thursday February 15, around 7:30 a.m.-8 a.m., from the Cora parking lot, will then go to the 2X2 lanes, before stopping at the KM Delta, in Nîmes, take boulevard Salvador Allende, rue de Beaucaire and rue Vincent Faïta, boulevards Gambetta, Daudet before stopping at the prefecture.

This is where a delegation will be received to request a moratorium, particularly regarding this taxation.

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