Appointment of a Prime Minister: How the Insoumis want to put pressure on Emmanuel Macron

Appointment of a Prime Minister: How the Insoumis want to put pressure on Emmanuel Macron

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, very virulent towards the head of state. MAXPPP – Nicolas Landemard/Le Pictorium

The universities of La France insoumise are held until Sunday in Valence, in the Drôme.

It's not even 1 p.m., his dance card is already full.

“This afternoon, I'm doing BFM, then I'm doing LCI and France Info again”, says Insoumis MP Hadrien Clouet, seated at a table in the middle of the press room that welcomes the special envoys who have come to cover the 2024 edition of Amfis.

The watchword of these summer universities of the Insoumis which are being held in Valence until Sunday is clear: put pressure on the President of the Republic so that he appoints the representative of the left Lucie Castets to Matignon.

"Macron must appoint Lucie Castets !!!"

"I explain that Presidents have already had to resign because they no longer had the majority in the Assembly and that it is not so serious. This was the case for Alexandre Millerand after the victory of the left-wing cartel”, says the elected official from Haute-Garonne.

At the same time, on the platforms around the small lake next to the Palais des Congrès, the speakers raise their voices at the risk of making the speakers crackle:“Lucie Castets must be appointed”! Macron must appoint Lucie Castets”!!!”

In Paris, where he receives the representatives of the NFP, does the head of state hear them”? But the strategy imagined by the Insoumis does not only involve voice. Psychology also comes into play.

Impeachment procedure…

And according to some, from this point of view the left would have scored a point. “This morning during the meeting at the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron mentioned the impeachment procedure. We can therefore see that it is starting to enter the range of his considerations”, assures François Piquemal, another member of parliament from Haute-Garonne.

And Hadrien Clouet adds:“Emmanuel Macron clearly does not want to endure four months of debates on his impeachment. He fears the media hype”. Because even if it does not succeed, the procedure could occupy the forefront of the national and even international stage. Hadrien Clouet outlines the main stages: “It takes 70 deputies to present it to the office, we have them. At the office, it's a matter of two socialist votes so that there is discussion in the chamber…"

A mouse hole

Enough to keep the media busy for long days or even longer… And then, adds the elected official: "The other deputies, at Liot or at the RN and even among the Macronists, are going to be put under pressure by their voters who are going to ask them why they are not voting for impeachment."

He recalls this Harris Interactive poll according to which 44% of French people believe that the situation justifies resorting to the impeachment procedure, including 28% of Macronists. Which leads the Insoumis MP to say that there is a mouse hole, especially since the left has promised to censor any government that is not appointed by Lucie Castets.

Take to the streets?

If the fear of impeachment proceedings were not enough, the Insoumis are also counting on the streets to obtain what the President would refuse them because according to them the situation cannot go on forever.

Then at 5:37 p.m., the room is on its feet, delirious, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon enters the stage. Who does not initially mention the national situation. But he comes to “Macron the autocrat”.

His ministers”? “Dummies”

He will call him that throughout his speech. For him, “Mr. Macron is the man of the authoritarian drift of the Fifth Republic”, his ministers “nobodies” and his voters “weak-minded accomplices of the extreme right”.

But the Macronists are not the only target of the founder of LFI, the socialists are also scratched. They are for him “the only problem of the New Popular Front”. Jean-Luc Mélechon also evokes his personal fate: “We are working methodically so that (the) next generation is organized. The rebellious movement is not my thing. The work is to pass the baton”.

But the confession is not a farewell.

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