Appointment of a Prime Minister: what are the possible solutions for Matignon after the rejection of an NFP government ?

Appointment of a Prime Minister: what are the possible solutions for Matignon after the rejection of an NFP government ?

Quelles solutions possibles après le rejet du NFP par Emmanuel Macron ? EPA – CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

Au lendemain du refus d’Emmanuel Macron de nommer Lucie Castets Première ministre, des consultations se poursuivent ce mardi 27 août, et plusieurs scénarios sont envisageables.

The head of state continues to play for time in this last week of August. Nearly two months after the NFP victory in the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron has rejected the option of a left-wing government in order to guarantee “institutional stability”. From now on, several scenarios are possible.

A government of “national unity”

In his press release published this Monday, August 26, the president invites elected officials from the PS, the PCF and the ecologists to "cooperate with other political forces". However, these three groups, as well as La France Insoumise, have described as "shame" the choice of Emmanuel Macron. As a result, it seems complicated to form such a government given that there are many points of disagreement between the left and right-wing forces.

A LR-Ensemble government

By ruling out the possibility of an NFP government, the Republican camp and that of the presidential coalition could join forces to form an LR-Ensemble government. "We will never be on the side of the extremes” announced LR MP Laurent Wauquiez this Sunday, August 25, promising to defend the ideas of the right and to vote for laws that will go in this direction”. Nevertheless, this government of union between Les Républicains and the presidential majority might not survive a vote of censure by the NFP and the RN.

A technical government

The path of a technical government could therefore be a credible solution. But this idea remains rather vague in France and has never been tested under the Fifth Republic. This technical government could therefore be censured by the deputies during the examination of the budget in the National Assembly and the stability "institutional&quot will therefore not be guaranteed, as Emmanuel Macron wishes.

Macron dismissed ?

Finally, the last possible scenario: the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron, which would lead to a new presidential election. This is the objective of the deputies of La France Insoumise, who intend to present a motion of dismissal to the bureau of the National Assembly.

To succeed, this motion must be approved by the bureau of the National Assembly, where the NFP is in the majority. But the support of the environmentalists, communists and socialists is far from guaranteed. The motion will then have to be adopted in the Laws Committee, and in the hemicycle by a two-thirds majority. The same principle then applies in the Senate, before the High Court meets to rule.

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